i have an issue with awstats since the last virtualmin update last week
Now i get the following errors: [code:1] The AWstats command /usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.pl was not found on your system. Check the module configuration to make sure it is using the correct paths.
The AWstats package can be automatically installed by Webmin. Click here to have it downloaded and installed using YUM. [/code:1] i try the YUM update and get nothing
[code:1] Installing package(s) with command yum -y install awstats .. Loading "installonlyn" plugin Setting up Install Process Setting up repositories Reading repository metadata in from local files Parsing package install arguments Nothing to do .. install complete. [/code:1]
when i look in /usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/ there are no files... so now what?
I too get the same was not found error on my new install of VM Pro.
Nobodies telling me the information I need to get this fixed: OS and version.
AWStats lives in completely different locations on all of our supported operating systems...and obviously we've failed to get it right on one (or more) of them. But I don't know which one to look at, since you guys are keeping it Top Secret. ;-)
Check out the forum guidelines!
<div class='quote'>Nobodies telling me the information I need to get this fixed: OS and version.</div>
Oh sorry.. i have
Operating system CentOS Linux 5
Webmin version 1.410
Virtualmin version 3.56 (Pro)
<div class='quote'>Operating system CentOS Linux 5</div>
Are you sure you don't have awstats installed from some alternate source? e.g. do you have other yum repositories configured?
Check out the forum guidelines!
Hey Joe, I just hit the update and am seeing the same awstats error. Here is some additional info. I just hit the thread and have not looked to see if it is in the bug tracker. If it is not there I will go ahead and write it up so you guys have a chance to prioritize - if it isn't a repository mixup on my part.
Note - it is a dependancy/library issue - keep reading for details
[root@server1a ~]# more /etc/issue
CentOS release 5 (Final)
Kernel \r on an \m
[root@server1a ~]# yum info awstats
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Setting up repositories
Reading repository metadata in from local files
Installed Packages
Name : awstats
Arch : noarch
Version: 6.7
Release: 1.el5.rf
Size : 2.8 M
Repo : installed
Summary: Powerful and fullfeatured server logfile analyzer
Advanced Web Statistics is a powerful and featureful tool that generates
advanced web server graphic statistics. This server log analyzer works
from command line or as a CGI and shows you all information your log contains,
in graphical web pages. It can analyze a lot of web/wap/proxy servers like
Apache, IIS, Weblogic, Webstar, Squid, ... but also mail or ftp servers.
This program can measure visits, unique vistors, authenticated users, pages,
domains/countries, OS busiest times, robot visits, type of files, search
engines/keywords used, visits duration, HTTP errors and more...
Statistics can be updated from a browser or your scheduler.
The program also supports virtual servers, plugins and a lot of features.
Available Packages
Name : awstats
Arch : noarch
Version: 6.6
Release: 1.el5.vm
Size : 1.1 M
Repo : virtualmin
Summary: Advanced Web Statistics
Advanced Web Statistics is a powerful and featureful tool that generates
advanced web server graphic statistics. This server log analyzer works
from command line or as a CGI and shows you all information your log contains,
in graphical web pages. It can analyze a lot of web/wap/proxy servers like
Apache, IIS, Weblogic, Webstar, Squid, ... but also mail or ftp servers.
This program can measure visits, unique vistors, authenticated users, pages,
domains/countries, OS busiest times, robot visits, type of files, search
engines/keywords used, visits duration, HTTP errors and more...
Statistics can be updated from a browser or your scheduler.
The program also supports virtual servers, plugins and a lot of features.
With the default configuration, the statistics are available:
[root@server1a ~]#
When verifying the config:
The AWstats command /usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.pl was not found on your system.
.. your system is not ready for use by Virtualmin.
And it is a valid warning since there is no /usr/share/awstats directory.
Upgrade history in yum for awstats:
Apr 22 11:23:47 Updated: awstats.noarch 6.7-1.el5.rf
Nov 16 22:26:54 Installed: wbm-virtualmin-awstats.noarch 2:3.2-1
Nov 16 22:27:36 Installed: awstats.noarch 6.6-1.el5.vm
so just seeing this is setting off the red flags.
Did the following to correct the issue:
rpm --erase --nodeps awstats
yum install awstats
NOTE- you need to resolve your repos.d dependancies before continuing otherwise you are going to install the same non-virtual min version again (most likely). i had the rpmforge repos configured and turned back off at one point so this one sneaked by me. good luck. and thanks for setting me on the right course Joe!
I am also running CENT OS 5.1 on my server with Webmin version 1.410 and the latest version of Virtualmin GPL and this has me to the point where I am ready to pull my hair out, throw my hands up and say the heck with this and go with DirectAdmin if I can't get this blasted thing to work. Sorry about the vent in that last sentence, I have been fighting with one thing or another over the last couple of months putting this server online and I am near the end of my rope.
Hey Joe, I just hit the update and am seeing the same awstats error. Here is some additional info. I just hit the thread and have not looked to see if it is in the bug tracker. If it is not there I will go ahead and write it up so you guys have a chance to prioritize - if it isn't a repository mixup on my part.
Note - it is a dependancy/library issue - keep reading for details
[root@server1a ~]# more /etc/issue
CentOS release 5 (Final)
Kernel \r on an \m
[root@server1a ~]# yum info awstats
Loading "installonlyn" plugin
Setting up repositories
Reading repository metadata in from local files
Installed Packages
Name : awstats
Arch : noarch
Version: 6.7
Release: 1.el5.rf
Size : 2.8 M
Repo : installed
Summary: Powerful and fullfeatured server logfile analyzer
Advanced Web Statistics is a powerful and featureful tool that generates
advanced web server graphic statistics. This server log analyzer works
from command line or as a CGI and shows you all information your log contains,
in graphical web pages. It can analyze a lot of web/wap/proxy servers like
Apache, IIS, Weblogic, Webstar, Squid, ... but also mail or ftp servers.
This program can measure visits, unique vistors, authenticated users, pages,
domains/countries, OS busiest times, robot visits, type of files, search
engines/keywords used, visits duration, HTTP errors and more...
Statistics can be updated from a browser or your scheduler.
The program also supports virtual servers, plugins and a lot of features.
Available Packages
Name : awstats
Arch : noarch
Version: 6.6
Release: 1.el5.vm
Size : 1.1 M
Repo : virtualmin
Summary: Advanced Web Statistics
Advanced Web Statistics is a powerful and featureful tool that generates
advanced web server graphic statistics. This server log analyzer works
from command line or as a CGI and shows you all information your log contains,
in graphical web pages. It can analyze a lot of web/wap/proxy servers like
Apache, IIS, Weblogic, Webstar, Squid, ... but also mail or ftp servers.
This program can measure visits, unique vistors, authenticated users, pages,
domains/countries, OS busiest times, robot visits, type of files, search
engines/keywords used, visits duration, HTTP errors and more...
Statistics can be updated from a browser or your scheduler.
The program also supports virtual servers, plugins and a lot of features.
With the default configuration, the statistics are available:
[root@server1a ~]#
When verifying the config:
The AWstats command /usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.pl was not found on your system.
.. your system is not ready for use by Virtualmin.
And it is a valid warning since there is no /usr/share/awstats directory.
Upgrade history in yum for awstats:
Apr 22 11:23:47 Updated: awstats.noarch 6.7-1.el5.rf
Nov 16 22:26:54 Installed: wbm-virtualmin-awstats.noarch 2:3.2-1
Nov 16 22:27:36 Installed: awstats.noarch 6.6-1.el5.vm
so just seeing this is setting off the red flags.
Did the following to correct the issue:
rpm --erase --nodeps awstats
yum install awstats
NOTE- you need to resolve your repos.d dependancies before continuing otherwise you are going to install the same non-virtual min version again (most likely). i had the rpmforge repos configured and turned back off at one point so this one sneaked by me. good luck. and thanks for setting me on the right course Joe!
I have done all of that and I have even gone a step further and copied all the relevant files over to /usr/share/ and I am still having the same problem. I really wish this stuff was a bit simpler to set up.
<div class='quote'>I have done all of that and I have even gone a step further and copied all the relevant files over to /usr/share/ and I am still having the same problem. I really wish this stuff was a bit simpler to set up.</div>
It is simple to setup if you don't setup yum repositories that put files in different places than our software expects by default.
If you want to use an alternative package of awstats, you need to know enough to know how to configure it for use.
Your only solution here is to use our awstats package, <i>or</i> figure out where the files are in the package that you are using and configure the Virtualmin AWStats module to know about it.
If you believe that DirectAdmin is a better solution for you, by all means, use DirectAdmin. We can't help you if you don't want to use the packages we provide that make things easy. (And if there are problems in <i>our</i> packages that make things confusing or complicated, we will fix them--just let us know...but as far as I know you're using an awstats package that we have no control over, and I'm completely unfamiliar with.)
Check out the forum guidelines!
I had the same error message: /usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.pl not found (paraphrase)
It turned out that my system was pulling the newer version of awstats (7.x) from rpmforge, rather than the virtualmin approved version. I removed that newer awstat by uninstalling without dependencies, then disabled the rpmforge repo, and installed awstats again using yum. Error message gone.
Me too today , you can solve it like explained before
1. Set all extra repos to
(like epel or rpmforge)2.
rpm --erase --nodeps awstats
3. I needed to clean the repodata before I could reinstall :
yum clean all
4. Enable virtualmin repos
yum install awstats
You can avoid this in the future with two nice plugins :
Just add to the base repos and webmin repos
and to epel/rpmforgepriority=50
With those two plugins you should be able to avoid those unwanted updates even with EPEL or RPMForge repos enabled
There are other plugins for yum like
which could do the same job tooThanks schiffsratte, That did the trick for me. I installed some software from a different repo and forgot to disable the the temp-repo so I got stuff I didn't want :-/
I'll need to user yum-priorities and yum-protectbase as you suggested.
John Wolgamot
1 find where awstats.pl is on your system:
locate awstats.pl
2 update the config file with the proper path:
vi /etc/webmin/virtualmin-awstats/config
3 enjoy
.. your system is ready for use by Virtualmin.
Since a few days I got the same error message: The AWstats command /usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.pl was not found on your system. My OS: CentOS Linux 5.8
I have no idea what caused this error.
With jorj's above solution I could fix it: Change awstats=/usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.pl to awstats=/var/www/awstats/awstats.pl
FYI: I just ran into the same problem, CentoOS6.2... Upgraded all packages today. awstats.pl not found... following the above I when to sys info, clicked on the "configure" option on the awstats line and change the paths there. you not only have to change the paths to awstats.pl but also to the icons and set the radio buttons for the other parts to "same as awstats.pl" Everything is in /var/www/awstats...
The above solution worked, only thing is... I don't get any message that VirtualMin is not configured...
If you got the previous error
The AWstats command /usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.pl was not found on your system.
.. your system is not ready for use by Virtualmin.
and then change the paths for awstats, do we need to do something again to get VirtualMin updated?
Hi guys,i haved solved in this way: Centos os server.throught ssh: locate awstats.pl .... and the copy your awtats.pl
cp /usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.pl /var/www/awstats/ Regards.
Thanks for this prompt... i ran "locate awstats.pl" and found /var/www/awstats/awstats.pl already in place... I had abandoned this... So I went back to on of my virtual servers edit server, add options and clicked on awastats and it installed now perfectly with no issues YAY!
Now.. I'm off to find out how to actually view the stats. I'll need to figure out the URL to view the stats from.
Duh: "View AWStats Report" is right there...wow! Looks like the great info I need without having to go to GoogleStats/Urchin.... (which I never trust for some reason)
How can I give some team players access to the stats without giving them a log-in to VirtualMin?
Also, is there a way for AWStats to show us any hot linked files --"leeches" (e.g. images/files on our site that are linked directly to our server from other sites.
one of them to access throught an .htacces file,you can install an external analitycs like pannel..opensource.Regards
Seems to work out of the box...
with basic .htaccess auth already set up, requires the admin user name and password, which are sent in the clear... not good.
I see stats for August... I don't know if that is from Aug 1 or if it is from the time I set up AWstats?
if we use https:
How can we force .htaccess to only run under SSL?
Throught .htaccess rewrite url ,first enable this website ssl from edit virtual server menu..... force them to redirect..should work...or put them in an iframe,or throught an custom redirect modification in the website awstats configuration,,you have many posibilities.Virtualmin it is verry good,the gpl it i the best gpl hosting pannel in my opinion.Regards