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I have shutted down my ProFTPd FTP Server. Hovever, sometimes when i log in to my Virtualmin, it shows that ProFTPd FTP Server is up. How it can be started its own?
There is a job which runs every 5 minutes to collect the system information. This job can also restart "down services", so please check whether your turned this restart feature on?
It's possible the Virtualmin interface is just out of sync with what's actually going on.
If you log into your server via SSH, and type "ps auxw | grep proftp", do you get any results back?
I try that next time it starts by itself. Its turned off now.
I have trouble keeping ProFTPd turned off too.
There is a job which runs every 5 minutes to collect the system information. This job can also restart "down services", so please check whether your turned this restart feature on?