Install Fail On Virtualmin On Debian Squeeze

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#1 Sun, 02/06/2011 - 01:33

Install Fail On Virtualmin On Debian Squeeze

I have a brand new installation of Debian Squeeze and I get a fatal error when installing virtualmin but everything looks ok in the log. Help please

INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:26 - Started installation log in /root/virtualmin-install.log
DEBUG - 2011-02-06 07:26:26 - Install mode: full
DEBUG - 2011-02-06 07:26:26 - Product: Virtualmin GPL
DEBUG - 2011-02-06 07:26:26 - Virtualmin Meta-Package list: virtualmin-base
DEBUG - 2011-02-06 07:26:26 - version: 1.0.4
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:26 - Checking for fully qualified hostname...
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:26 - Hostname OK: fully qualified as
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:27 - Installing serial number and license key into /etc/virtualmin-license
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:27 - Loading OS selection library...
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:27 - Download of Succeeded.
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:27 - Loading OS list...
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:27 - Download of Succeeded.
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:27 - Operating system name:    Debian Linux
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:27 - Operating system version: 6.0
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:27 - Configuring package manager for Debian Linux 6.0...
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:27 - Enabling universe repositories, if not already available...
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:27 - Disabling cdrom repositories...
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:28 - Cleaning up apt headers and packages, so we can start fresh...
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:28 - 
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:28 - Download of Succeeded.
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:28 - Installing Webmin and Virtualmin package signing keys...
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:28 - Download of Succeeded.
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:28 - Download of Succeeded.
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:29 - OK
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:29 - OK
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:29 - Hit
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:29 - Removing Debian standard Webmin package, if they exist (because they're broken)...
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:29 - Removing Debian apache packages...
DEBUG - 2011-02-06 07:26:30 - Reading
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:30 - Installing dependencies using command: /usr/bin/apt-get --config-file apt.conf.noninteractive -y --force-yes install postfix postfix-pcre webmin usermin ruby libapache2-mod-ruby libxml-simple-perl libcrypt-ssleay-perl unzip zip libfcgi-dev postfix-tls
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
libcrypt-ssleay-perl is already the newest version.
libfcgi-dev is already the newest version.
libxml-simple-perl is already the newest version.
libapache2-mod-ruby is already the newest version.
postfix-pcre is already the newest version.
postfix is already the newest version.
ruby is already the newest version.
unzip is already the newest version.
zip is already the newest version.
usermin is already the newest version.
webmin is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:31 - /usr/bin/apt-get --config-file apt.conf.noninteractive -y --force-yes install postfix postfix-pcre webmin usermin ruby libapache2-mod-ruby libxml-simple-perl libcrypt-ssleay-perl unzip zip libfcgi-dev postfix-tls: Succeeded.
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:31 -  Succeeded.
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:31 - Installing Virtualmin and all related packages now using the command:
INFO - 2011-02-06 07:26:31 - /usr/bin/apt-get --config-file apt.conf.noninteractive -y --force-yes install virtualmin-base
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
FATAL - 2011-02-06 07:26:32 - Fatal Error Occurred: Installation failed: 0
FATAL - 2011-02-06 07:26:32 - Cannot continue installation.
FATAL - 2011-02-06 07:26:33 - Attempting to remove virtualmin repository configuration, so the installation can be 
FATAL - 2011-02-06 07:26:33 - re-attempted after any problems have been resolved.
FATAL - 2011-02-06 07:26:33 - Removing temporary directory and files.
FATAL - 2011-02-06 07:26:33 - If you are unsure of what went wrong, you may wish to review the log
FATAL - 2011-02-06 07:26:33 - in /root/virtualmin-install.log
Sun, 02/06/2011 - 08:44


Yeah, I don't see any errors in the output there. Is that the output from the screen, or the installation logfile in /root/virtualmin-install.log? If that's the output you saw on the screen, you may want to take a look in the install log.

If you don't see any obvious errors, I'd be curious what happens if you try running the installation script again.

Also -- are you by chance running that on a VPS? If so, how much RAM do you have? You can determine that by running "free -m".


Sun, 02/06/2011 - 12:40

I am on a VPS running with 512MB of RAM.

Wed, 02/09/2011 - 15:45
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