Should I set "Limit on number of databases" to zero is an account plan is not allowed db feature ?

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#1 Sun, 01/16/2011 - 22:27

Should I set "Limit on number of databases" to zero is an account plan is not allowed db feature ?

If this option is configured as zero, when creating a new virtual server and in "enabled features" -> "create mysql login" is checked, will this account has db feature available?

Sun, 01/16/2011 - 22:29

Just tested, the result virtual server still has db feature. Then how to configure an account plan without db feature available ?

Sun, 01/16/2011 - 22:36


When editing the Account Plan, you can go into Allowed virtual server features, and uncheck "MySQL Database". That should prevent the MySQL checkbox from showing up as a feature in the Virtual Server.


Sun, 01/16/2011 - 23:36

That's mean the mysql db of virtual server feature will override the "limit of db creation" in account plan setup even though I configured it as zero. Right?!

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