Show password link missing after a backup and restore.

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#1 Sun, 03/21/2010 - 04:55

Show password link missing after a backup and restore.

I recently needed to run a test and first I did a full backup of a virtual server then after running the test I restored the server from the backup.

Now the show password links are gone for the users. The show password link is available for the server but not for the users.

Any way to get the show password link back?

If I create a new user the show link is available for that user but not for the users that were restored from the backup.

Sun, 03/21/2010 - 10:58

It sounds like during the process of the backup and/or restore, somehow that information was lost... which sounds like a bug :-)

My suggestion would be to file a support request, using the Support link above, and Jamie can work with you to figure out where things went awry, and how to resolve it.


Sun, 03/21/2010 - 16:24 (Reply to #2)

Thanks Eric.

John Wolgamot

Mon, 03/22/2010 - 02:30 (Reply to #3)

As well as expressing my thanks to you Eric,

I should have mentioned I'll do a little more troubleshooting to offer more insight to Jamie and Joe before I post another call for help in this issue.

I have a second license of Virtualmin Pro installed in a virtualbox to see if the same thing happens if I backup from my existing server and restore onto the virtualbox version of the server.

John Wolgamot

Fri, 11/05/2010 - 20:14

Hi, I've got the same problem here. I don't know what is happening!

Sat, 11/06/2010 - 04:30 (Reply to #5)

I never got around to troubleshooting however I do know that if you change the password, even if you change it to the same pass, the show password link will be there for you again.

I'm not sure what caused the issue. I had to run some tests and did a backup, whiped out just the one out of many servers, ran the test and then restored the server.

But I think I backed up the virtual server as the owner of that server and when I restored using the root user, I think that is where the issue began but not sure.

That is why I wanted to run more tests to see if I back up as root, then restore as root will I have the same issue password link issue.

Or if I back up as the user and then restore as the user, etc... which combo would reliably duplicate the issue.

But again, if you change the pass to the same as before the link will reappear.

John Wolgamot

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