State of the Art in Webmail apps in Virtualmin?

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#1 Sat, 10/30/2010 - 11:42

State of the Art in Webmail apps in Virtualmin?

Hey, I have a client on RoundCube 0.4.0 specifically complaining about no address groups (since listed as a feature in a later version), and not opening attachments (?)

What's the state of the art, among the apps in Install Scripts, for these two features and over all most like a desktop app?

Thanks, K

Tue, 11/02/2010 - 21:16

The two apps I'd look into are both RoundCube and Squirrelmail.

While the feature you're after may not be in the default install, both of those apps offer plugins, so that functionality may still be available in an existing plugin. You may just need to browse the available plugins for each of those apps.


Wed, 11/03/2010 - 04:19

Thanks, E.

Roundcube .42 now has the ability to create groups :)

I think that the attachment issue was user error.


Wed, 11/03/2010 - 04:44

Speaking of Webmail, what would you guys say, isn't the Usermin mail module a good (and readily available) alternative? How would you assess that one compared to Squirrelmail (which I personally did not find overly appealing looking) and RoundCube (which I haven't tried yet)? :)

Wed, 11/03/2010 - 09:41


Kenlyle, the new Virtualmin version is coming out soon, possibly this week. I mentioned to Jamie about the new RoundCube version, with any luck that'll find it's way into the new Virtualmin release.

Locutus, there's advantages and disadvantages to Usermin... RoundCube's look is a bit more, well, modern :-) There's also a lot of plugins available to it.

Usermin has a ton of features out of the box, and it's super-easy to use it to train SpamAssassin when you get spam, by clicking the "Spam" button.


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