can't backup document root which is outside of virtual server home

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#1 Thu, 10/21/2010 - 14:01

can't backup document root which is outside of virtual server home

Hi guys,

I have two hoster. One hoster to server the live sites, one for backup if the first one fails. On both hoster I run Virtualmin and Webmin. Both systems run with CentOS Linux 5.5 and Virtualmin version 3.80.gpl GPL.

I want to have all virtual server from the live site also on the backup hoster. I already figured, that there is this great backup and restore function, but it doesn't backup my document root, which is outside of the Home directory of the virtual server. I guess that might be the problem, right?

Any ideas how I can tell Virtualmin to backup the document root, too?

Thanks, Sebastian

Thu, 10/21/2010 - 16:44

How did you set up the (Apache) servers to have a document root outside the server's home directory? And why did you do so? As far as I understand the relevant config options, it's not intended to do that in Virtualmin.

Fri, 10/22/2010 - 14:05

I didn't set it up this way, my antecessor did... Looks like I will tell him that he has to take care of his mess...

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