Ubuntu Server 10.04 / Virtualmin 3.80 gpl
I found, like several other users, that the 'install.sh' script did not install php5-mysql; I rectified this by running "sudo apt-get install php5-mysql". This was followed by a notification at boot along the lines of "The script you attempted to run has been converted to an Upstart job - Job not found: S99mysql", although mysql was found to be running just fine. To get rid of that notification, I renamed /etc/rc2.d/S99mysql to (dot)S99mysql - I don't know if this was the correct thing to do but there were no apparent ill effects as a result.
Also, I find that, although a domain owner, given the privilege, has no problem creating/altering databases via the Vmin MySQL module, if a new database is created, or an existing one is altered, using phpMyAdmin the new database does not get associated with the relevant domain and the altered database becomes disassociated requiring root to fix the problem.
Any advice please?
if a new database is created, or an existing one is altered, using phpMyAdmin the new database does not get associated with the relevant domain and the altered database becomes disassociated requiring root to fix the problem.
That's correct -- if databases are created or altered outside of Virtualmin, then Virtualmin has no way to know who they should be associated with.
My recommendation would be to not allow Virtual Server owners to create domains using something like phpMyAdmin, but to instead have them create those domains within Virtualmin. They can do that by going into Edit Databases, and selecting "Create a new database".