Mail alias - PHP User

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#1 Tue, 10/05/2010 - 04:42

Mail alias - PHP User


I am using a mail alias in Virtualmin to pipe emails to a PHP script, (php -q /path/to/script.php) this all works great except for one little hitch. When somebody sends in an email with an attachment the script grabs that attachment and saves it to a directory for use by the website later.

The problem is when the script runs the user it runs as is 'nobody' does anybody happen to know if there is a simple way to run this under the same user as the website to prevent permission problems?

Any ideas / advice would be very much appreciated.


Tue, 10/05/2010 - 12:08


If you're using CGI or FCGID, you can setup your scripts to run as the Virtual Server owner.

To do that, go into Server Configuration -> Website Options, and set "Run CGI scripts as domain owner" to "Yes".


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