Setup a secured proxy

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#1 Tue, 09/07/2010 - 23:20

Setup a secured proxy

I'd like to experiment with using our virtualmin server as a forward proxy, but I don't want to leave it open to the world while I try. Is there a simple way in the virtualmin UI to require authentication, or at least to limit it to only certain IPs?

Or is the only way to do this via manually editing the conf files?

Thanks, Nick

Mon, 09/13/2010 - 17:55

You can go to Webmin -> Webmin -> Webmin Configuration -> IP Access Control. Choose "Only allow from listed addresses" and specify allowed IPs in textarea below.

The same can be done with Usermin

Mon, 09/13/2010 - 21:38 (Reply to #2)

But this only secures access to webmin doesn't it? I'm wanting to secure access to the proxy module in apache. But also I'm hoping to use authentication ( accounts and pw ) instead of IPs so I can use the proxy while travelling as well.

Would it be better to use squid instead of apache? I can see there is a squid webmin module on, but at the moment it requires 1.520 which isn't installed or available yet.


Thanks, Nick

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