alyways get email with this content:

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#1 Wed, 07/21/2010 - 05:25

alyways get email with this content:

/bin/sh: /etc/usermin/schedule/ No such file or directory

what does this mean, how useful is it and how can i stop this emails.

CentOs 5.5 / i386 / 32 bit / Virtualmin

thy in advance opaque

Wed, 07/21/2010 - 08:18


The script makes it so that user can send a one-time email at a specific time.

In your case, it doesn't look like the actual script exists. How often do you receive those emails? Is it at a regular interval, or just every now and then?


Wed, 07/21/2010 - 08:40

lg opaque

Wed, 07/21/2010 - 08:52 (Reply to #3)

Hmm, every 5 minutes is quite a bit :-)

If you run "crontab -l | grep atmode", do you get any output?


Fri, 07/23/2010 - 05:24 (Reply to #4)

just a blank page:

[root@server1 /]# crontab -l | grep atmode [root@server1 /]#

Sun, 02/27/2011 - 03:28 (Reply to #5)

hi opaque,

i think the email you have been gettin' is for a certain user, not for root.
so the right crontab command for this is:

to list cronjobs of other users than logged in:
crontab -u "username" -l

if you want to edit them:
crontab -u "username" -e

to remove all cronjobs of a user:
crontab -u "username" -r

this would be way faster, than to reinstall Usermin or something else ;o)


Sun, 02/27/2011 - 03:26 (Reply to #6)

hi opaque,

i think the email you have been gettin' is for a certain user, not for root.
so the right crontab command for this is:

to list cronjobs of other users than logged in:
crontab -u "username" -l

if you want to edit them:
crontab -u "username" -e

to remove all cronjobs of a user:
crontab -u "username" -r

this would be way faster, than to reinstall Usermin or something else ;o)


Wed, 07/21/2010 - 08:43

is there a way to config the server that it will restart services it goes down. At the moment a typo3 website could not connect to the mysql database, but there was no error in the /var/log/mysql.log file.

There was an email which i received ("alredy running")

greetings opaque

Wed, 07/21/2010 - 08:54

just a blank bash.

lg opaque

Fri, 07/23/2010 - 05:23


now i´v reinstalled usermin and restartet the server but I always get this email every 5 minutes.

any ideas what i can do?

thx in advance opaque

Fri, 07/23/2010 - 06:43

I deactivated the "Geplante Aufträge (AT), Geplante Aufträge (CRON), Zeitversetzter E-Mail-Versand" under Available Usermin-Module.

Now I activated it and there is no more email.


lg opaque

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