Failed to create virtual server : AWstats reporting is already enabled for this domain

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#1 Tue, 01/26/2010 - 06:17

Failed to create virtual server : AWstats reporting is already enabled for this domain

Hi, I am using Ubuntu 9.04, created a Virtual Server for domain, I deleted the server, now I am getting the error "Failed to create virtual server : AWstats reporting is already enabled for this domain" when I try to create another server with this same domain. Will deleting the config files associated with Virtalmin solve, if so where are all the config files.


Fri, 02/12/2010 - 07:47

I am having the same problem. Where are the AWstats config files?

Fri, 07/09/2010 - 12:52 (Reply to #2)

i entered my fqdn as then tried to add a virtual server (not actually but the same name both times)

then i got - Failed to create virtual server : AWstats reporting is already enabled for this domain

Are you not allowed to do that? Do you have to have an extra domain name to use virtualmin?

Thanks for any help,

Sat, 01/22/2011 - 20:10

from Webmin/Server/AWstats Reporting you can delete the log file and then create a new server with that name thank you Kirk

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