It appears that all the development effort lately is in the Amazon stuff and Cloud computing stuff, which is all great and all, but Virtualmin is looking a bit tired.
PHP 5.2.11 is the "bleeding edge" (from the bleeding edge repository) release from October 2, 2009? Version .12 was released after that in December, version .13 in Feb 2010. At what point does a release quit being "bleeding" and get included?
I would really like to run 5.3 series actually, that sounds bleeding to me, and its from June 30, 2009
Clam AV? How many versions does it have to run behind before it gets a real update? If its not supposed to be part of Virtualmin maintained packages, what do I do to not break it?
And Apache? MySQL? I haven't individually checked them, but are they getting equally far behind?
Fess up, is Virtualmin a retired product? Because its not as much fun as Cloudmin? I would actually understand that :)
Just share the plan, or confess to a lack of, so we can plan accordingly.
Definitely not.
Virtualmin has been having regular releases about once a month, or more often, for years. Nothing has changed. New releases are being rolled regularly, bugs are being fixed, new features are being added. Documentation is being updated and written at a steady clip. API capabilities have been expanded in interesting ways.
But, you're asking about the Virtualmin software repository for CentOS, which is not entirely the same thing as Virtualmin. ;-)
Generally speaking, we try not to upgrade packages without good reason. But, ClamAV has been at the latest version on CentOS 5/i386 for several weeks...but the x86_64 version, for some reason, won't build for me without having weird conflicting dependencies...I'm kinda stumped on why it's happening. Building on CentOS 4 is proving to be quite ornery, as well. I got a bit distracted by the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS release, which took longer than usual, so I haven't had as much time for CentOS 5 maintenance.
PHP, I'll bump up to the latest 5.2 release soon. I'm hesitant to go to 5.3, as it breaks compatibility in a few ways that would cause some of our install scripts to break.
And Apache? MySQL? I haven't individually checked them, but are they getting equally far behind?
In this case, you've misunderstood our packaging policy.
First up, we don't replace MySQL. We have no control over the MySQL version on your is whatever your OS provides.
And for Apache, in the cases where we do replace it, we replace it with the same version provided by the OS. This is a feature not a bug.
In short, we don't have any desire to make major changes to your OS. You chose it, you must have had a reason to do so. So, we don't mess with that choice. Again, this is a feature, not a bug.
We do happen to provide ClamAV for CentOS, just because it isn't provided by the OS. And we do happen to provide a PHP version in the bleeding edge repo because we needed a slightly newer version to be available for folks to use a couple of the Install Scripts. I'm still a little uncomfortable about replacing any packages...but, people kept asking, so I went against my better judgement and added the bleeding edge repo.
Anyway, our policy has generally always been to stay out of the operating system business. You choose your OS, and we'll work with that choice, rather than replacing a bunch of stuff.
Check out the forum guidelines!
Yep. script says its installing:
vmpackages="usermin webmin wbm-virtualmin-awstats wbm-virtualmin-dav wbm-virtualmin-dav wbm-virtualmin-htpasswd wbm-virtualmin-svn wbm-virtual-server ust-virtual-server-theme wbt-virtual-server-theme"
rhdeps="bind bind-utils caching-nameserver httpd postfix bind spamassassin procmail perl-DBD-Pg perl-DBD-MySQL quota iptables openssl python mailman subversion mysql mysql-server mysql-devel postgresql postgresql-server rh-postgresql rh-postgresql-server logrotate webalizer php php-domxl php-gd php-imap php-mysql php-odbc php-pear php-pgsql php-snmp php-xmlrpc php-mbstring mod_perl mod_python cyrus-sasl dovecot spamassassin mod_dav_svn cyrus-sasl-gssapi mod_ssl ruby ruby-devel rubygems perl-XML-Simple perl-Crypt-SSLeay"
Since PHP and its pieces and parts are on that list, figured the rest were in the same boat.
I have never seen an update to these things show up on the "updates you need to do" list, but I may just be blind.
I guess since I took a Centos disk, did a basic install, and ran this script, fired it up, installed customers, and ran with it, it would also deal with the silly updates for me. And mostly it has. But the items on this list appear, and I stress appear, to not get updated? Is there a yum thing that perhaps I have shutoff?
help me to understand your system, as currently your install script and your words seems to be contradictory.