hello all...i need your help once again... here is what i need......i already have my domain setup (everything works fine!) and i have another machine running a mail server (zimbra). My mail server runs on port 85....and i did the port forwarding needed already....
i need to set up my server to give my clients access to this web based mail like this: 1. for domain example1.com to hit in browser http://mail.example1.com
both,must redirect to port 85........do i have to set a virtual server for each and give port 85 or how do i set this thing..? got any ideas?
LATEST ADD.. If i hit http://mail.example1.com it gets me to the main site and if i hit http://mail.example1.com:85 goes to my zimbra login page,which is fine....
so,what i need is to add a forward like http://mail.example1.com instead of http://mail.example1.com:85 I think i'm close enough,but here is where i stuck....anyone who has any ideas please?
thank you!
Well, Virtualmin already has the ability to redirect webmail.domain.tld to some other URL... you may be able to tweak that to do what you're after.
You can set that by going into System Settings -> Server Templates -> Default -> Apache Website. You can set the domain to redirect to by setting "URL for webmail redirect".
well...still lost! i tried this way,but here what i have already... I guess this solution works for one domain only? or i'm wrong?
here is my settings: web server running on and mail server running on 85.as two separate virtual machines.
(mail server is zimbra and i can access it using http://mydomain.com:85)
But,in zimbra i have more than one domains.... So,can i redirect each domain like this:
http://mail.domain1.com and http://mail.domain2.net instead of using the port? Something i'm missing....
When i set up virtualmin i used <maindomain.com> as fqdm.....and the,i set my virtual domains like domain1.gr and domain2.com
I hope these info are clear enough....and,i will give it a try...
Please folks...anyone who has any knowledge of how to redirect mail.domain.co:85 to mail.domain.com? Tried lots of options,but no luck.... Thank you!
I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to accomplish here. If Zimbra is running on port 85, you wouldn't want to redirect from 85 to 80. You'd want to go the other way and redirect mail.domain.com to mail.domain.com:85.
Or you might consider proxying the mail domain to port 85.
You can add any kind of redirect you want (if the generic redirect that Virtualmin does for webmail isn't sufficient) in the Server Templates Apache section (you may also need to add a record in the BIND template, as well if you aren't using one of the names that gets setup by default in Virtualmin).
Check out the forum guidelines!
Dear Joe,thank you for your answer! Here is what i need...I have two servers, web and mail...Web is running on and the mail on 1.20
I setup my web domains in virtualmin as always (so far so good...) and on the mail server (that;s zimbra which runs its own apache,so i run it on port 85) i set my mail domains.
So i end up with: www.palfh.gr and i need a mail.palfh.gr,but mail.palfh.gr is web-based zimbra mail! When i hit mail.palfh.gr goes to palfh.gr (the site;s main page...) which is incorrect.
Si my users need to: hit palfh.gr and go to the website and hit mail.palfh.gr and go to which is my zimbra mail server;s login page....
I use port forwarding to do it,and i also tried to redirect it from virtualmin..but i cannot do it........ So,hope its clear now....Any chance to resolve this situation? Could you give me some easy steps to redirect it?