Some questions about Virtualmin

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#1 Mon, 03/15/2010 - 16:56

Some questions about Virtualmin


First excuse my english :)

I'm testing Virtualmin+Webmin for a possible migration from a Windows Server to a Linux. I'm working in a company which host hundreds of domains and subdmains, and they want an user friendly control panel for administration.

I'm looking the documentation, but i don't find some informations they need :


Tue, 03/16/2010 - 15:40
ronald's picture

for your first question
you need a billing and automation software like for this which works perfectly with virtualmin.
Or you can write the module for the registrar you need.

metatags, I do not know actually. sorry.

Tue, 03/16/2010 - 16:26 (Reply to #2)

Ok thanks for your help.

I saw that is possible to create a new registrar in /usr/share/webmin/virtualmin-registrar but I don't know if it's difficult or not (if someone have a link for a tutorial).

I didn't find any information on Internet about the meta tags creation with Virtualmin, that's strange because it's a good way to be discover by SEO, isn't it ?

Mon, 03/29/2010 - 12:16 (Reply to #3)
Joe's picture

No, meta tags are not particularly useful for SEO with modern search engines. In fact, it's considered a spammy characteristic to have meta tags that don't match the if you practice meta tag "stuffing" it might even hurt your search engine ranking.

Also note that meta tags are part of the HTML, and have nothing to do with anything Virtualmin manages. Though, Virtualmin Professional does have a WYSIWYG HTML editor that has a source mode that allows adding meta tags (or any tag!). But, really, the actual website content is not something Virtualmin messes with.

As for registrars, yes you can create new ones. It's not particularly well-documented, though it does use the same basic design as Virtualmin plugins, and so the docs that ronald mentioned definitely apply to registrar plugins. It can be quite complex to support a new registrar (which is why there are only a few supported currently), and in many cases it is impossible (or close enough) because the registrar does not provide API access to their functionality. There is no standard for interacting with registrars, and so there is no way to build a general-purpose registrar GUI that works with all registrars. As ronald also mentioned, some billing systems have wider registrar support than Virtualmin. Which makes sense, as it is their focus...billing and accounting aren't what we focus on, and domain registration sort of falls into that category (it's a bit of a grey area).

What registrar would you like to see support for? I can make no promises, but if they have an API, and it is a reasonably popular registrar, we may be able to devote some resources to it.


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Tue, 03/16/2010 - 17:23
ronald's picture

in the documentation I found:
Not sure if this is the correct one for your purpose, but there is more documentation there.

SEO is website level while virtualmin is webhosting level. To have a proper SEO website means you have to build your website according to certain (ever changing) rules. Metatags is just a very (now-a-days mostly unimportant) part of it.

Personally I dont think it is feasible to have virtualmin try to manage SEO on a website level.

Fri, 03/26/2010 - 17:00


I tried to creat a plugin, i follow instructions give in this website, but i have a problem with the services menu, my plugin don't appear on it.

I think the problem come from the link between domain creation and plugin, i tried to imitate the dav plugin but it doesn't work.

Has someone a clue for me ?

Defines functions for this feature

require ''; &load_theme_library();

$input_name = $module_name; $input_name =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9]/_/g;


feature_suitable([&parentdom], [&aliasdom], [&subdom]) Returns 1 if some feature can be used with the specified alias and parent domains

sub feature_suitable { return $[1] || $[2] ? 0 : 1; # not for alias domains }

feature_setup(&domain) Called when this feature is added, with the domain object as a parameter

sub feature_setup { &$virtual_server::first_print("Setting up Meta tag.."); ... &$virtual_server::second_print(".. done"); }


feature_links(&dom) Returns a link to the module for this domain

sub feature_links { local ($dom) = @_; return { 'mod' => $module_name, 'page' => "index.cgi?dom=$dom->{'id'}", 'desc' => $text{'index_desc'}, 'cat' => 'services', }; }


Mon, 03/29/2010 - 12:21 (Reply to #6)
Joe's picture

For a registrar plugin, you'd want to start with one of the * files in virtualmin-registrar. The boiler-plate for these modules is much simpler, and you only have one file to think about. But, as I mentioned, making it work with a specific registrar could be very easy or very difficult, depending on their API (if they even have one).


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