Congratulations for the backup/restore tool for virtual servers.
I did a site move from a Debian 4.0 Virtualmin 1.500 to a new Debian 5.0 Virtualmin 1.500 one almost successfully.
If you consider that OS and its apps versions are new ones, the task had to be done with portability in mind. And it was! Most site configurations, multiple concurrent php versions, databases (despite different engine versions) were there.
I found some small issues.
One of them regards mysql user account and permissions.
A virtual site mysql user was created with the vsite admin login credentials (if i recall correctly) instead of its own old ones and without any permissions on tables.
I hope this report helps to improve such good tool.
Andre Felipe Machado
Thanks for the info!
My suggestion would be to create a bug report using the Support link above, and file the information in there. Jamie can then work with you to get that issue resolved.