Trial license?

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#1 Thu, 06/11/2009 - 03:55

Trial license?

With cloudmin being extremely new and barely any information available for it and no demo, are there any trial licenses available so i can test it out?

Fri, 06/12/2009 - 01:37
Joe's picture

Coming soon. I'm launching tomorrow, hopefully early, which includes documentation, screenshots, and will also include a demo server you can tinker with.

We have to tweak our license manager to do free trials, so it will take another week or so to get that out the door, but it's also planned for Virtualmin Professional. We're sort of surprised by how rapid the uptake has been on Cloudmin. We expected it to simmer for a little while as folks figured out who we are, but sales have been swift, and so we're trying to stay on top of supporting those new users while also keeping our existing customer base well-supported. It's a nice problem to have, but it is still a problem.

I hope you'll be patient with us as we ramp up our support infrastructure a bit. I've asked Eric to give us a few more hours a week, and he's making room in his schedule, so Jamie and I can get back on top of things. You may also note we just migrated to a new website, and so we're in the midst of the chaos of that as well. Nobodies fault but my own that we introduced a new product and a new (and not quite ready for primetime website) on the same day, and I'm paying the price in being a bit overwhelmed.

So, yes, demo is coming. Trial is coming. Screenshots and docs are coming. Screencasts are also underway. It'll all be very nice in a few more days, I promise!

Oh, and we also got kind of blindsided by a number of refugees from the HyperVM camp; folks who are desperate for a new solution to their OpenVZ management problems. So, Jamie and I are diverting quite a bit of resources into getting that supported over the weekend. We're working very long days right now.


Check out the forum guidelines!

Sun, 06/21/2009 - 03:21


I kind of feel im being strung along here. I know dev timeslines never seem to be concrete (unless you actually work for someone and have a good boss/team), but I would really really like to see a demo. If anything, can you give me a private one? I really need to make a decision this week and there is no way I am going to buy your software without trying it out first. This whole hypervm thing has really put me behind schedule on a product launch and everyone seems to say they have the perfect alternative solution to hypervm, but no one seems to have a working product yet and/or they are very behind on the promises. Hope you understand where I am coming from. Please contact me through email if you want to do something privately (im assuming you can access my email address since your an admin).

Sun, 06/21/2009 - 03:58
ronald's picture

there is some documentation available now, though not all pages work yet.

Sun, 06/21/2009 - 09:16


We will be more than happy to try your cloudMin, we are looking for our Hosting Co a complete provision Cloud management system for our Virtualization environment ( Xen = Phase I and then VMWare = Phase II ).

You can inform me personnaly, when your trial version is available and if we like it ( because we are evaluating other ones as well) we will work with you and announce it to the public.

This is a project that we will have to implement very soon with a stable product and grow our business around it. Your product seems to have alot of potential.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards

Eric Vanier

Sun, 06/21/2009 - 13:45

Hi guys,

We don't yet have a demo system or trial license for Cloudmin, but if you are interested in seeing what it looks like for evaluation purposes, I could grant you temporary access to one of our development systems. If you are interested, email me at and I will set you up.

I'd like to get a demo system for Cloudmin up and running, but it is non-trivial as our demos usually run on Xen instances, and you can't run Xen within itself. But it may be possible to get OpenVZ or Vservers running within Xen.


Mon, 06/22/2009 - 17:11

Hi guys,

I really feel you need to at least have a live demo up or have the ability to provision and manage trial license keys. You might think you're doing ok with the sales you've received so far, but you may be losing potential customers if you don't give people who are a bit more careful with their money (or perhaps skeptical/paranoid of solutions) the confidence boost of a trial.

Whilst what you're doing looks very good at a glance, we want some solid proof before we part with our money.

Mon, 06/22/2009 - 17:26 (Reply to #7)
Joe's picture

We understand, and we'll still be here next week when you've had a chance to try things out (a demo is coming, as I've mentioned; it's just a little bit tricky since we have to setup a xen guest that has vserver or openvz guests within it).

So, I'm not arguing with you. We all agree that a demo is important. We also all agree that getting docs and screenshots and more materials about what Cloudmin can do is important. I hope all the folks on the fence can be patient for a few more days while we get these things in place. If you're unable to wait, we understand, and wish you the best of luck with whatever solution you choose. If we could develop any faster, we would. But, frankly, I'm not sure we could handle supporting a faster rate of incoming customers without hiring additional staff. We're trying to figure out our growth plans as we speak. As I've mentioned elsewhere, unexpected rapid sales growth is a good problem to have, but it's still a problem.

Anyway, I'm going to take a timeout from explaining what we're doing in the forums, and actually go work on some of those tasks now.


Check out the forum guidelines!

Mon, 06/22/2009 - 17:30 (Reply to #8)

Yeah, those things are all in the works.

Joe and Jamie value both the idea of a trial license as well as a demo system.

In fact, even the available documentation, feature list, and screenshots are sub-par. That will all be fixed.

They decided to make Cloudmin available to those who knew they wanted it before these other things were available.

Certainly some folks, such as yourself, will want to see it first; if that's something you want before a demo system or trial is made available, you can always email Jamie using his address above to take advantage of the offer he made.

Also, if you were to buy it, don't forget that they'll refund your money up to 45 days after your purchase if you decide you don't like it. -Eric

Mon, 06/22/2009 - 21:28

Hello Jamie,

Did you receive my email as requested by you ?


Mon, 06/22/2009 - 22:37 (Reply to #10)

Hi Eric,

No, I didn't get your email .. did you send it to ?


Fri, 07/03/2009 - 21:33


Any updates ?


Sun, 07/05/2009 - 03:08 (Reply to #12)
Joe's picture

Nothing on a trial license yet. We've just wrapped up Virtualmin 3.70, which was a major release (adding LXAdmin/Kloxo migrations, among other things), so now we can dedicate ourselves to Cloudmin. A demo server for Cloudmin will come first, as I think it requires less work to get it working securely than the major overhaul our license management tools and shop will require for a trial license.


Check out the forum guidelines!

Sun, 07/05/2009 - 09:03 (Reply to #13)

Hi Joe, Put me also in demo and trial license wait list :) I just startup with xenserver hosting, love so much webmin and believe that Cloudmin will be much better than Cpanel for Xen

Thanks in advance Ilya

Sun, 07/05/2009 - 09:05

Hello Joe,

Thank you very much for your reply.

Very interesting "adding LXAdmin/Kloxo migrations", actually their CP is free with hyperVM, can you tell me if we go with your Cloud application if you can do the same package ?

regards eric

Sun, 07/05/2009 - 21:28 (Reply to #15)

Yeah, LXAdmin provides a much different pricing model than Virtualmin does.

I don't believe Joe is looking to match their model; you're certainly welcome to use the GPL version of Virtualmin with Cloudmin, it will always be free.

But, if you're interested in Virtualmin Pro, you'll need to buy the license for it :-)


Sun, 07/05/2009 - 21:40


Thanks for your advise.

I guess you are right, however, if it is possible to have at least some screen captures of Cloudmin. We are waiting for taking a look on it and taking a final decision of which one that we will go with .

We have a couple of options, but this Cloudmin looks interesting.



Mon, 12/07/2009 - 00:47

Do you have a demo system, or trail license available yet? I would really like to try out Cloudmin, before I purchase it. We have tried other systems in the past before, and got "burned" a few times cause it looked good on paper, but when we actually used the system they didn't deliver as they said.

So I don't want to commit into another system if it doesn't do exactly what we want.

Mon, 12/07/2009 - 01:07 (Reply to #18)

Yes, we have a password-protected demo .. send me an email at if you'd like to try it out.


Tue, 12/08/2009 - 04:01 (Reply to #19)

Thanx Jamie, I'm sending you an email about this right now. I have emailed Joe before, but I don't think he got my email?

Wed, 12/16/2009 - 13:58

Hi Jamie,

I have sent you a couple of emails already asking for a trail license. Did you get my emails, at all?

Wed, 12/16/2009 - 14:04 (Reply to #21)

No, I don't think I did .. did you send them to ? If so, what address did you send them from?


Wed, 12/16/2009 - 14:17

mmm, how can I PM you? I don't want want to advertise my email here.

Wed, 12/16/2009 - 14:18

Jamie, I just sent you an email now - did you get it?

Wed, 12/16/2009 - 15:23 (Reply to #24)

Yes, I got it ok this time .. I will setup an account for you later today


Thu, 12/17/2009 - 09:17 (Reply to #25)

Although the trial / demo for Cloudmin isn't available yet I'd recommend anyone with two or more Virtualmin Pro machines considers it an essential purchase. We have only had our physical license for a couple of days but it is already starting to show amazing benefits for the current cost!


Tue, 05/11/2010 - 14:08

Hello Jamie,

I Just sent you an email to get a trial version.

Can you reply when you have a chance please !

regards Evanier

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