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My system statistics page does not show emails per minute or SPAM per minute. This is a freebsd system, so I figured it was just a freebsd quirk, but my centos box also does not show spam per minute correctly either.
The freebsd system just shows a blank graph. The centos system shows emails per minute properly, but for SPAM per minute is shows a broken data stream with the scale in the 0.2 range. This server probably has 50 to 100 SPAM per minute.
Is there a way to access the settings for system statistics so that I can adjust the graph myself.
Is there a way to access the settings for system statistics so that I can adjust the graph myself
Well, in the System Statistics screen, there is a "Download Raw Data" option.
However, it should work :-)
It almost sounds as if collectinfo isn't doing it's job... in System Settings -> Module Config -> Status Collection, is collectinfo setup to run regularly?
Info is being collected in general... CPU levels are showing proper loads.
Just email /SPAM is giving me problems.
This is a freebsd system. I would assume there is a problem with the location of the log file.
Ahh, take a peek in System Settings -> Bandwidth Monitoring. There's a section there labeled "Servers and log files" where you can specify what files to use for email processing... perhaps tweaking that will help?
That appears to include emails into bandwidth monitoring, but has no impact on the system statistics graph.
I checked the raw data option, and all values for dates after 2 Dec are zero.
I reviewed the actual code and found that it checks the procmail log to count email. My procmail log stopped updating on 2 Dec, so that would explain why there is no email count. Now I just have t o figure out why procmail log stopped.
Ahh, nice find.
Well, I can offer that your procmailrc file (often /etc/procmailrc) should have a LOGFILE entry in it, along the lines of:
If that line isn't in there, that would certainly prevent anything from populating that file.
LOGFILE=/ .... was there pointing to the right place. Turns out the logfile reached 51MB in size and was stuck. I forced a rotate and procmail started logging again right away.
It now appears to count mail... but it does not count SPAM. SPAMAssassin is runnign, and mail is being marked, and for many users the procmail log shows the mail being sent to /dev/null as it should for those that delete automatically. But.... the mode=none for regular mail and for SPAM.
The mode is not being set, and I believe the statistics module uses mode=Spam or mode=Virus to increment the spam and virus count. I'm not sure where the mode is set yet. If you can point me to the right place it would save some time tracing...
In the meantime I edited the SPAM criteria to match on Dest = /dev/null instead so at least I'll see how many messaged were sent straight to null. This will not equal the total spam amount since most of our clients delete SPAM above a 10 pt threshold, and just mark and deliver SPAM that scores between 5 and 10.
The mode is not being set, and I believe the statistics module uses mode=Spam or mode=Virus to increment the spam and virus count. I'm not sure where the mode is set yet. If you can point me to the right place it would save some time tracing...
You may be right ... unfortunately, I don't know the specifics of how that's implemented (or where the mode is set).
It may not be a bad idea to file a bug report there -- I suspect Jamie would be open to modifying the code to count up spams that are being thrown away. As those are certainly still spam messages, and it'd be great to see those in the tally.