flash and ftp problems

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#1 Mon, 07/27/2009 - 14:54

flash and ftp problems

hi i have port 21 and 22 open and i can not login using ftp client,i already creat ftp account my website is prows.ws my server installed on https://webfolder.us:10000

also my server can not run flash sites ,should i install extra modules beside flash player prows.ws/index.html is a flash site thank you

Mon, 07/27/2009 - 15:13

What error are you getting when logging in via FTP? Do any additional errors show up in any of the logs in /var/log?

As far as flash goes -- that looks like an issue with the app you're using to detect the flash player version.

Any web server can use flash, you don't have to install any special Apache modules for that. But, you may have to tweak your code that's sending out the "You need to upgrade your Flash Player. " error, as it may be incorrectly detecting the player.


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