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Hi, I have a big problem with Virtualmin GPL 3.703 - when domain owner is logged in Virtualmin he cannot create subdomains with his user/group. It is created with user root and group root. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.
Hrm, that seems odd... so you're saying that if a Virtual Server owner creates a new Sub-Server, the files it creates -- such as "public_html", are owned as root?
Can you show the output of an "ls -la" in the directory you're seeing that in?
Also, if you use a different Virtual Server owner, do you still have the same problem when creating Sub-Servers, or is it just the one owner?
here is the output:
asd and wer folders are test subdomains from rodina-lan user.
I tried to create a sample domain owner - it is the same - users, groups are created normaly, but subdomain folders are owned by root.
This sounds like a bug. Where did those "asd" and "wer" directories come from though? Did the user create them, or were they in the /etc/skel directory?
As root i create a top level server called "". Then I login as user somedomain in virtualmin. Then create a sub-domain and when i go to "Webmin Modules>File manager" and look into "public_html" there is a folder (for sub-domain) called with name of subdomain, but with owner root. I don't know when this happened, just noticed this today. Before 2-3 weeks there was no such problem.
Ok, I found the source of this bug and will fix it in the next Virtualmin release..
The work-around till then is to create these as sub-servers (which can still be DNS sub-domains).
Yes, sub-servers are created properly. I'll wait til next release, but i prefer to know how to do this to work right. If there is a possibility to fix things alone...
Let me know if you'd like a patch to fix this sooner..
Yes, i want a solution soon, but don't want to push you. Is the next release coming soon ?
Ok, you can edit virtual-server/ under the Webmin root directory, and change line 130 to :
&make_dir_as_domain_user($_[0], $sd, 0755);
Then run /etc/webmin/restart
You guys are really fast! Nice job! Best wishes, Dean