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I don't believe so, unless one of the commerce packages supports them as a side effect.
I don't know of any Open Source scripts that meet your requirements, but if you've got one in mind, let us know, and we'll see about adding it to the available Install Scripts.
That is one huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge list indeed!
Thanks for the insight mate. But I want to know if wordpress 2.8 is also supported or not. One more thing, I understand auction and classifieds sites, but what is meant by swap?
Thanks in advance.
Howdy Peter,
I don't believe so, unless one of the commerce packages supports them as a side effect.
I don't know of any Open Source scripts that meet your requirements, but if you've got one in mind, let us know, and we'll see about adding it to the available Install Scripts.
The currently supported scripts are:
Advanced Guestbook 2.4.3
Advanced Poll 2.0.2
AROUNDMe 0.6.9
b2evolution 1.9.2-2007-01-22
Bugzilla 3.1.3
cgiemail 1.6
Chora h3-2.0.2
CivicSpace 0.8.5
Coppermine 1.4.18
DaDaBIK 4.2
Django 0.96.1
DokuWiki 2007-06-26b
dotProject 2.1.1
Drupal 5.7 4.7.11
eTicket 1.5.6-RC4
FAQMasterFlex 1.0
FormMail 1.9
Forwards h3-3.0.1
Gallery 2.2.4 1.5.7
Gollem h3-1.0.3
Help Center Live 2.1.5
Horde 3.1.7 Guestbook 5.4
IMP h3-4.1.6
Ingo h3-1.1.5
Instiki 0.13.0
IntegraMOD 1.4.1
Joomla 1.5.2 1.0.15
Kronolith h3-2.1.7
LimeSurvey 1.70 170plus_build4648_2008041
Magento 1.0
Mambo 4.6.2
Mantis 1.1.1
MediaWiki 1.9.3
Mephisto 0.7.3
MIMP h3-1.0.2
Mnemo h3-2.1.2
Moodle 1.5.4
Movable Type 4.1
Nag h3-2.1.4
NMS::FormMail 3.14c1
Nucleus 3.32
OpenX 2.4.5
osCommerce 2.2rc1
osTicket 1.6.rc4
Passwd h3-3.0.1
phpBB 3.0.1 2.0.23
PHP-Calendar 0.10.9
PHPCoin v1.4.1
PHPList 2.10.5 2.11.3
phpMyAdmin 2.9.2
PHP-Nuke 8.0 6.0 5.0
phpPgAdmin 4.2
PHProjekt 5.2
phpScheduleIt 1.2.8
PHP Support Tickets 2.2 2.0
phpWebSite 0.10.2
Php-Wiki 1.3.14 1.2.11
Plans 7.9.9
poMMo aardvarkPR16.1
PostNuke 0.764
Radiant CMS 0.6.4
RoundCube 0.1-rc2
Ruby on Rails 2.0.2
Simple Machines Forum 1.1.4
SquirrelMail 1.4.13
SugarCRM 5.0.0c
Textpattern 4.0.6
TikiWiki 1.9.11
Turba h3-2.1.7
TWiki 4.2.0
Typo 5.0.2
Vacation h3-3.0.1
WebCalendar 1.1.6
WordPress 2.5
WordPress MU 1.3.3
ZenCart 1.3.8
Zenphoto 1.1.5
Check out the forum guidelines!
Check out Web Auction:
This would be a great addition to Virtualmin.
That is one huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge list indeed!
Thanks for the insight mate. But I want to know if wordpress 2.8 is also supported or not. One more thing, I understand auction and classifieds sites, but what is meant by swap?
Thanks in advance.