Hi all,
I have Virtualmin GPL installed in Webmin 1.441 in Ubuntu 8.04 with all the modules enabled. Thanks to a thread that helped me resolve the suexec issue. As of now, Virtualmin lets me do the thing in a jiff. ;)
But now, I am having a issue in creating domains. I am having a domain which will be the top-level server for all other domains. In the sub-servers, some will have databases, some not. So, How do I tune my template to achieve this.
I tried having a third template, using 'create empty template' with mysql disabled. But still when i select that template, database gets created. IMO, its due to the 'features and plugins' setup.
Whats the solution to this, as i have some 90 sub-servers to be created.
As a workaround, Can i let MySql be enabled for all subservers and then after creation, will it be possible to delete the database and the access to it from Virtualmin?<br><br>Post edited by: vishnu, at: 2009/02/17 03:47
If you go into the Server Templates, and look at the "Default Domain Owner Limits" section, set "Default limit on number of databases" to "0" -- that should prevent it from creating a database.
Hi Eric,
Nope, on your say i tried that, but creates a database.
It sounds like you may be using an older version of Webmin and Virtualmin; are you able to upgrade to the most recent versions and try again?
Thanks for the solution.
It works fine.
Also i have a small doubt.
How do i create a seperate mysql login for a subserver and not use the login for the main server.
Sure, if you select the sub-server from the dropdown on the top-left, and go into Edit Mail and FTP users, you can create a new user there specifically for database access.
If you click "Add a user to this server", go into "Other user permissions" to grant permissions to one or more databases.
Thanks andrey,
I tried that, it works.
Btw, i am using this Unchecking "Create Mysql Login".
This option works exactly for the cause i posted this thread.
Thanks again