Virtualmin Pro - Wrong price policy?

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#1 Wed, 01/14/2009 - 12:25

Virtualmin Pro - Wrong price policy?

Hello, I am a new user of Virtualmin GPL and I must admit that I love it. Although it is a Free Control Panel, it has everything you need to administrate a dedicated server.

I checked the prices of Virtualmin Pro, and I think that Virtualmin should change the prices in order to be competitive in the CP Business.

I have been running some dedicated servers since 6 years now (a very small hosting company for a small country) and I know that the customers are used in these years to use Plesk or CPanel. If the price of Virtualmin is the same as the price of CPanel for Unlimited Domains, hostproviders like me, would choose CPanel to satisfy the clients rather than switch to a new Control Panel (I may still prefer Virtualmin, but customer is king).

I think that VirtualMin should drastically decrease the price starting with Virtualmin 10 Domain Licence. (to attract new individual hostings, and to have them use Virtualmin Pro instead of VirtualGPL).

If I could suggest, the price of the other licences should be decreased by more than 50% to compite in the market. If CPanel is leased by some huge hosting company, it costs sth like 10-15$/monthly. At the moment VirtualMin Pro costs 41$/month to be leased. And I am sure, no big company is interested at the moment in VirtualMin Pro.


Wed, 01/14/2009 - 18:06
Joe's picture

We have no current plans to lower prices.

That said, hosting providers who buy in quantity <i>do</i> get discounted prices. When those huge hosting providers who are getting cPanel for $15/month (actually, I can't find any paying less than $18/month, but I may just be talking to the wrong people) come talk to us, we will provide competitive bulk licensing terms for them. Also, I assume they're paying the Fantastico folks and the site builder folks separately.

I believe our pricing is very competitive on all fronts with cPanel and Plesk...and we have no desire to be the low cost option. We simply aren't the &quot;discount&quot; provider in this space--we provide a better product than cPanel and Plesk. We understand that cPanel has brand recognition that we currently can't match, and Plesk has an aggressive sales force that we can't match...but, for folks who want the most power for a better price than cPanel or Plesk, we are here. And, of course, our products are getting better are a much more rapid pace than our competitors.

There <i>are</i> low priced alternatives to Plesk and cPanel (and Virtualmin Professional). I believe Virtualmin GPL is perhaps the best of those low cost options...and it's certainly better than any other free/Open Source option.

So, while I can't say, &quot;Sure, we'll drop our prices!&quot;, here's what I can promise: We will continue to improve Virtualmin, both GPL and Professional at a rapid pace. Prices won't go up. And, we'll continue to work with our hosting provider partners to provide competitive pricing. If you'd like to talk to us about partner pricing, feel free to drop me an email. We do have minimum quantity requirements (as cPanel and Plesk do), but discounts kick in at five licenses.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Post edited by: Joe, at: 2009/01/14 18:07


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Thu, 01/15/2009 - 02:03 (Reply to #2)

Hello Joe,
I really like the concept of providing better software, those huge hosting companies will not come to talk to you, unless you have gained some market (you become an interesting product).
At the moment, whatever they need is fulfilled by cPanel and Plesk.

Whatever I post here, will have the same effect. You will not change the policy. At least try some offers, like monthly offers discounts at whatever price. :)

Thu, 01/15/2009 - 02:07 (Reply to #3)

(Please erase the post above, I could not edit it as &quot;it had a bug&quot;)
Hello Joe,

I really like the concept of providing better software.
The problem is that those huge hosting companies will not come to talk to you, unless you have gained some market (you become an interesting product). To do so, you have to start with the small hosters first. After this, the huge companies will find an interest in you.
The prices you have, do not attract the small hosters and the huge hosters cannot hear of your product because they are satisfied with cPanel and Plesk and whatever.

Whatever I post here, will have the same effect. You will not change the policy. At least try some offers, like monthly offers discounts at whatever price.
You need a better marketing.

Sat, 01/17/2009 - 10:38 (Reply to #4)
Joe's picture

<div class='quote'>The problem is that those huge hosting companies will not come to talk to you</div>

Don't worry about us on this count. We're talking to bigger hosts. I expect to have an announcement or two in the next few weeks.

<div class='quote'>You need a better marketing.</div>

Here we are in agreement. We've been focused on the products and the customers, and never thought about marketing at all. Now is probably the time to spend some money and effort on marketing.


Check out the forum guidelines!

Fri, 01/16/2009 - 09:02 (Reply to #5)

Obviously Joe is going to charge what he feels to be a fair price for the software he offers which includes updates and support.

Why I decided to jump in on this discussion is really to respond to this:
<div class='quote'>
The prices you have, [ul]do not attract the small hosters[/ul] and the huge hosters cannot hear of your product because they are satisfied with cPanel and Plesk and whatever.</div>

I work with a small host. While working on a better management solution we bought Plesk over a year ago and had nothing but headaches. This isn't because their software doesn't work but more related to installation and support.

Plesk may offer more aggressive pricing, but wait until you want/need support; a small host will go broke quick with what they charge for support. Besides this once our server OS was up and running, to have a working installation of VM relatively quick using the install script.

The amount of support that I have received from the VM guys has been prompt and extremely helpful.

So putting things in perspective, for us at least, has meant that not only has VM been a valuable investment, but an economical one as well.



Fri, 01/16/2009 - 21:21 (Reply to #6)

The biggest selling point I make to anyone looking at VM Pro is this one......

VM is *NOT* invasive --- as in it does not ruin ones distro and updates and the apache that VM does provide is not as invasive and crappy updated like the folks at cPanel and Plesk create.

With cPanel and Plesk you are at the mercy of them to keep your servers updated and patched for any security issues and *if* one of there patches breaks your box and you need it fixed ASAP those goldding a$$holes will *CHARGE* you unless you wait for a fix from them and in the mean time you got ripped off.

Joe/Jamie are pretty fast at helping *ANYONE* for *FREE* if something they did breaks your box and they will fix it *right now* instead you having to wait for a bloody *fix*.

These are the reasons people buy VM Pro.

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