Provisioning by WHMS

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#1 Thu, 12/25/2008 - 13:52
ronald's picture

Provisioning by WHMS

Im thinking about getting WHMS but only when it can provision the VMPro server. They have a modulekit which I (try to) attach.

Can anyone create this and make it work with VM api? [file size=40936]

Thu, 12/25/2008 - 13:53
ronald's picture

And here they have one for register domains which i would like to have work with Namecheap's api [file size=40677]

Sat, 12/27/2008 - 23:20 (Reply to #2)
ronald's picture

Namecheap has written the module for whmcs themselves as it turns out and recently posted this at google.code

Did anyone take a look at the ModuleDevKit ?

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