I've been working with Virtualmin for about a month, have written an Installer Script in perl, and have been setting up templatees with ease.
Today I was surprised when I went to modify the Script installers for a package, only to discover what's might be a Virtual min bug.
I've attached a screenshot.
Visiting any page having to do with Script installers will NOT display the list of available installers. Instead, it will just display this message:
/home/test-cc-1000/public_html Fixing permissions.. Ran with no errors
That happens to be the message that last got displayed when I last created a test account.
1) Log into Virtualmin as root
2) Click on Server Templates
3) Click on Default settings
4) In the select list, choose Default script installers You won't get a list, you'll instead get: /home/test-cc-1000/public_html Fixing permissions.. Ran with no errors
Any help appreciated. Is this a known bug, with a known patch?
Thanks! Emily [img size=600]http://www.virtualmin.com/components/com_fireboard/uploaded/images/virtu... edited by: emduck, at: 2008/09/23 16:58
Excellent question, and nice screenshot and debugging info. Unfortunately, I have no idea ;-)
However, I might recommend filing a bug (and just repost everything you put here), where Jamie would see it and be able to help you out:
-Eric<br><br>Post edited by: andreychek, at: 2008/09/23 18:42
My bad. It turns out I had a script in the installer scripts directory which prints something out. That's a no-no for installer scripts. Jamie gave me that tip on the bug tracker forum--