Backup over ftp failing

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#1 Sat, 07/26/2008 - 13:48

Backup over ftp failing


I have set Virtualmin to backup to a remote FTP server every night. The server can be accessed by and this works ok. I have set the backup settings as FTP server File on server /server Login as user:- user name
with password:- password. When the backup takes place i get at the end of the email:-

Creating final backup archive .. .. done

Uploading archive to FTP server .. .. upload failed! Failed to read reply to initial connection

Backup failed! See the progress output above for the reason why. Total backup time was 23 minutes, 32 seconds.

What am i doing wrong?


Sat, 07/26/2008 - 16:00

we need more info like what type of ftp is this - window$ or linux.

Sat, 07/26/2008 - 23:47 (Reply to #2)


It is a freecom NAS box.

if i log in via centos i get the following:-

ftp> open
Connected to
220 NET Disk FTP Server ready.
500 Syntax error, command unrecognized.
500 Syntax error, command unrecognized.
KERBEROS_V4 rejected as an authentication type
331 User name okay, need password.
230 User logged in, proceed.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> dir
227 Entering Passive Mode (,88,198)

c421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection
ftp> ftp> Not connected.
No proxy connection.
Hash mark printing: off; Use of PORT cmds: on
Verbose: on; Bell: off; Prompting: on; Globbing: on

but using windows i get:-

STATUS:> [27/07/2008 09:25:48] Getting listing ""...
STATUS:> [27/07/2008 09:25:48] Connecting to FTP server... (ip =
STATUS:> [27/07/2008 09:25:48] Socket connected. Waiting for welcome message...
[27/07/2008 09:25:48] 220 NET Disk FTP Server ready.
STATUS:> [27/07/2008 09:25:48] Connected. Authenticating...
COMMAND:> [27/07/2008 09:25:48] USER XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[27/07/2008 09:25:49] 331 User name okay, need password.
COMMAND:> [27/07/2008 09:25:49] PASS *****
[27/07/2008 09:25:49] 230 User logged in, proceed.
STATUS:> [27/07/2008 09:25:49] Login successful.
COMMAND:> [27/07/2008 09:25:49] PWD
[27/07/2008 09:25:49] 257 "/" is current directory.
STATUS:> [27/07/2008 09:25:49] Home directory: /
COMMAND:> [27/07/2008 09:25:49] FEAT
[27/07/2008 09:25:49] Informational Message Only:
211- Extension supported:
211 END
STATUS:> [27/07/2008 09:25:49] This site supports features.
STATUS:> [27/07/2008 09:25:49] This site supports SIZE.
COMMAND:> [27/07/2008 09:25:49] REST 100
[27/07/2008 09:25:49] 350 Requested file action pending further information.
STATUS:> [27/07/2008 09:25:49] This site can resume broken downloads.
COMMAND:> [27/07/2008 09:25:49] REST 0
[27/07/2008 09:25:49] 350 Requested file action pending further information.
COMMAND:> [27/07/2008 09:25:49] PASV
[27/07/2008 09:25:49] 227 Entering Passive Mode (,88,203)
COMMAND:> [27/07/2008 09:25:49] LIST
STATUS:> [27/07/2008 09:25:49] Connecting FTP data socket...
[27/07/2008 09:25:49] 150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
[27/07/2008 09:25:49] 226 Closing data connection.
STATUS:> [27/07/2008 09:25:49] Directory listing completed.

There is a file been created by the backup but it is 0 bytes is it a cento os 5.2 problem or setup?


Sun, 07/27/2008 - 00:38 (Reply to #3)

Sorry can't help you with _NET Disk FTP_ because its not a standard FTP server like proftpd. You will need to consult your docs on it.

Sun, 07/27/2008 - 11:32 (Reply to #4)
Joe's picture

Looks like going into passive mode is failing, though that's usually the easy one. (Active mode makes a connection back to the client on a high port...which requires all firewalls in between to be friendly to active FTP.)

But it could still be a firewall issue. You might try shutting down the firewall(s) involved briefly for testing. Then you'd know if you need to work on the firewall or spend some time with the logs and documentation for the server.


Check out the forum guidelines!

Sat, 07/26/2008 - 18:29

Hey Colin,

If you use a command line-based FTP client from your server, are you able to log in to the bsvkup system in question? I'm curious if something is preventing you to be able to FTP from your system to the backup server at all, rather than it being a Virtualmin-specific problem.

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