lefthand index page

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#1 Wed, 07/02/2008 - 03:43

lefthand index page

Have got a problem with the left hand index on the main Webmin/Virtualmin page. In so much as it wont display. Just comes up with a perl error message:

HTTP/1.0 500 Perl execution failed Server: MiniServ/0.01 Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2008 12:25:07 GMT Content-type: text/html Connection: close Error - Perl execution failed Undefined subroutine &virtual_server::list_visible_domains called at /usr/share/webmin/virtual-server-theme/left.cgi line 80.

Any ideas how I can put this right or what I need to put into line 80.

Line 80 currently consists of:

<frameset cols='$fscols' border=0>

Thanks Kev King

Wed, 07/02/2008 - 04:25

I'm wondering if maybe you have a rogue Webmin process running.

If you first stop Webmin (/etc/init.d/webmin stop), then run this command:

ps auxw | grep miniserv | grep webmin

Does anything show up? If so, go ahead and kill it, then restart webmin (/etc/init.d/webmin start).

Wed, 07/02/2008 - 06:10 (Reply to #2)

killall -9 miniserv.pl

should kill any webmin/usermin running -- start them again of course

Wed, 07/02/2008 - 12:09
Joe's picture

You've got a version mismatch--you're running an old version of Webmin, or Virtualmin, or the Virtualmin theme (I dunno which, off-hand).

The packages are supposed to have dependencies to insure this never happens, but I think that's a bit broken. Just make sure you're running the latest of all of those packages available from the same source, and things will be fine. (Note the &quot;same source&quot; bit is important. If you upgrade to a devel version, or a version of any of these components that has been released from Webmin.com, and you're running other packages from Virtualmin.com, there <i>will</i> be mismatches. Webmin.com gets stuff earlier than Virtualmin.com, because the Virtualmin packages get a longer QC process. So, if you're getting some packages from one place, and some from another...it's gonna occasionally cause problems. At least until version dependencies are fixed in whatever package type you use--you haven't told us your OS or how you've installed Virtualmin, so I can't dig into the scripts that generate the packages for your OS to be sure they're doing the right thing.)


Check out the forum guidelines!

Wed, 07/02/2008 - 13:02

Thankyou all for your replies, have tried both andreychek and sgrayban replies and still no proper index on the lefthand side.

With ref to Joe, I am running Debian ecth.
Installed Webmin first and had no problems, then Usermin. Then installed Virtualmin GPL and gave it a try. I then upgraded to VirtualminPro. Didnt install or set up anything with VirtualminGPL, just had a look round to see if I liked it, and I did. Just very strange. Everything is as it was from install, no changes to theme or default have been made.

Wed, 07/02/2008 - 13:36 (Reply to #5)
Joe's picture

Ah, yes, that would happen. Virtualmin GPL, as found at Webmin.com is newer than the Virtualmin GPL we distribute here (by a couple of days). Apologies for the inconvenience. I've asked Jamie to look into the dependencies issue to insure it is impossible to install incompatible versions of the software.

I'm rolling 3.59 of Virtualmin Professional into the repositories now, and you should be able to upgrade to the new version in a few minutes.

BTW-If you didn't use our automated install script to install, and haven't put the box into service yet, you might save yourself some time by uninstalling and re-installing using the automated install script (found on the serial numbers page for Professional users, and on the download page here at Virtualmin.com for GPL users). The Virtualmin GPL-&gt;Professional upgrade process assumes your system is already working the way you want, and you just want the new features of Professional--if you haven't gone through all of the configuration and installation steps of making Virtualmin work nicely the way you want, it's going to take a lot of time to get it setup. I can help you with that process, if you'd like.

I need to figure out a way to make the install script more obvious to people. We get a lot of folks installing Webmin, Usermin, and then dropping the Virtualmin module into the mix, and expecting it to all &quot;Just Work&quot;. And, unfortunately, it's a lot more complicated than that (it has to be because we support so many different systems and versions--we have to install a bunch of packages, depending on OS, possibly replace one or more packages with custom versions, etc.)...so we have a script and a bunch of packages in apt or yum repositories that makes it all go very quickly and smoothly on supported systems.

If you'd like, I'd be happy to drop in on your box, and make sure everything gets setup and configured correctly. Only takes a few minutes (though installing on a system that already has stuff installed on it makes the script act a bit stupid at times).


Check out the forum guidelines!

Wed, 07/02/2008 - 13:41 (Reply to #6)
Joe's picture

Oh, yeah, if you do want me to drop in and get your box up to spec, you can email me at joe@virtualmin.com


Check out the forum guidelines!

Wed, 07/02/2008 - 18:26 (Reply to #7)
Wed, 07/02/2008 - 19:11 (Reply to #8)

I bet this is a debian box -- debian repo is broken. No 3.59 listed.

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