phpmyadmin setup

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#1 Tue, 10/30/2007 - 16:03

phpmyadmin setup

I have setup my serve3r and installed phpmyadmin using apt-get install phpmyadmin and it installs fine, but i cannot access it via http://ipaddress/phpmyadmin. All i get is a internet explorer cannot display the page.

Operating system Debian Linux 4.0 Webmin version 1.360 Virtualmin version 3.482 (Pro)

Operating system Debian Linux 4.0 Perl version 5.008008 Path to Perl /usr/bin/perl Postfix version 2.3.8 Mail injection command /usr/lib/sendmail -t BIND version 8.4.7 Apache version 2.2.3 PHP version 4 Webalizer version 2.01-10 Logrotate version 3.7.1 MySQL version 5.0.32

Tue, 10/30/2007 - 16:10
Joe's picture

I don't know anything about the Debian-provided phpmyadmin package. It's probably trying to run from the /var/www directory, which probably doesn't make sense in the context of a virtual hosting system (you could make it make sense, by creating a VirtualHost that points to it--you can't do this in'd use the Apache module).


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Fri, 11/02/2007 - 15:30 (Reply to #2)

<b>Joe wrote:</b>
<div class='quote'>It's an Install Script, just like any other. Select the virtual server you want to install it into and click on Install Scripts...its in the Database section.</div>

Umm, I can't find it. Is this available in the GPL version?

I am just trying to find some simple instructions on how to install phpmyadmin and have it work for each domain on my server. A single logon where I enter a user &amp; pass and it shows me the databases associated with those credentials.

I guess I was spoiled since this is how it works with Ensim.

Is the a set of instructions for doing the above?


Fri, 11/02/2007 - 23:10 (Reply to #3)
Joe's picture

Ah, yes, Install Scripts are only available in Virtualmin Professional. Sorry for the misdirection.

I've given you some pointers on making a system-wide script available under all domains in this thread:

But, I will point out that phpmyadmin is not the officially supported MySQL GUI in Virtualmin. The Webmin MySQL module is. It does more, and we can support it quite a bit better since we wrote it. It also looks like the rest of Virtualmin, has the same ACL support, and is significantly more customizable in how much privilege you grant to the user.

But we understand that some folks prefer the familiar to the superior, and so we won't stand in your way (and we'll even try to help).


Check out the forum guidelines!

Thu, 06/12/2008 - 23:23 (Reply to #4)

Sorry to bring back an old thread but my question follows it.

I was looking to install phpmyadmin as well as that is what I have used in the past and am familiar with.

I would love to try using the Webmin MySQL module for some of the same tasks but see no place in the module to do things such as table optimization, rebuilding etc..

Am I missing something?

Is the Webmin MySQL Database Server module the same as the Webmin MySQL module you are referring to Joe or is it a separate module I do not have installed that would allow me to do those types of tasks?

Thu, 06/12/2008 - 23:33 (Reply to #5)


Thu, 06/12/2008 - 23:56 (Reply to #6)

Is that an answer to &quot;Am I missing something&quot;? :)

Thu, 06/12/2008 - 23:56 (Reply to #7)

And don't say A Clue! :)

Fri, 06/13/2008 - 00:43 (Reply to #8)
Joe's picture

Yes, it is the same module I was speaking of.

The module does have a &quot;shell&quot; for entering and running SQL could use the EXPLAIN command there, just like in phpMyAdmin (though we don't have a link explicitly for that command). Though I tend to think a real interactive shell is much nicer for work like that (e.g. via a regular ssh login), because it's just so much faster. And, of course, creating indexes, copying tables, etc. is all possible. Or did you have something else in mind? I'm perfectly willing to be shown capabilities that phpMyAdmin has that we ought to have. (I've never considered the &quot;EXPLAIN&quot; link to be a capability...just a link to an existing command. But, if you find it convenient, we'll see what we can do.)

BTW-Once the new theme is ready, several modules will be getting interactive'll take a month or two after the first release for me to get to overhauling the MySQL module, but it'll be a pretty high priority, because so many nice features can be added to it.

In the meantime, in case you hadn't seen it, the documentation for the MySQL module is here:

But it sounds like there are some aspects of phpMyAdmin that fit your workflow better--and we'd be curious to talk more about that, as we'd like for the MySQL module in Webmin to be capable of everything phpMyAdmin can do in a simpler UI (plus the stuff that phpMyAdmin can't do, like create/manage ndb_cluster tables across servers, start/stop the server, etc.).


Check out the forum guidelines!

Fri, 06/13/2008 - 01:15 (Reply to #9)

I used to use phpmyadmin for GUI based maintenance on my heavy use databases.

I could visually see what tables were getting hammered, select them and optimize them rather than trying to run a OPTIMIZE TABLE tablename command. <a href='' target='_blank'>more info</a>

I was always going to move to a cron based optimization routine to run a php file created my phpmyadmin but never got around to doing it.

Fri, 06/13/2008 - 01:32 (Reply to #10)

Also the shell and run sql from file are good features to have. That's how I got my DBs onto the server from exported sql files.

I would like to see some of the controls at the top of the screen like browse, drop, export.

I would like to see export in a variety of available formats in addition to CVS such as sql and sql in archive with this available at the db level and at each table level.

It would be nice to also be able to run a query at the table level so you could add a row or whatever without having to specify a table.

It would be nice to be able to make a copy of a DB with a different collation.

It's late I am rambling :)

Tue, 10/30/2007 - 16:12

Thanks for the quick reply, how do I install the virtualmin phpmyadmin?

Tue, 10/30/2007 - 16:22 (Reply to #12)
Joe's picture

It's an Install Script, just like any other. Select the virtual server you want to install it into and click on Install Scripts...its in the Database section.


Check out the forum guidelines!

Tue, 10/30/2007 - 16:33

I tried that and get

Downloading (1856164 bytes) ..
Received 1024 bytes (0 %)
Received 186368 bytes (10 %)
Received 371712 bytes (20 %)
Received 557056 bytes (30 %)
Received 743424 bytes (40 %)
Received 928768 bytes (50 %)
Received 1114112 bytes (60 %)
Received 1299456 bytes (70 %)
Received 1485824 bytes (80 %)
Received 1671168 bytes (90 %)
Received 1856164 bytes (100 %)
.. download complete.

PHP module mysql is required ..

Module is not available even after installation!

Thu, 01/05/2017 - 14:11

Sorry to bring this up, but I got exactly the same problem as xkeywee and i see no answer ...

I should say that I had install the script for one domain and allow only the database of the domain's admin user in the install option. It had work well for the first domain, but on a second different domain got the error describe above !

Any clue,

Tue, 05/16/2017 - 00:53

I too am experiencing problems. To be honest i am concerned that one needs to jnstall it from virtualmin.

I am not sure how whm/cpanel does this but surely phpmyadmin should be a webmin install and made avilable to virtual servers by the webmin administrator? It could then be up to each server administrator to either enable it or not (if available) from inside their own virtualmin dashboards!

AJECreative is the home of $5 webhosting, $15/month VPS servers (1cpu,1gb RAM, 25GB storage)
Centos7, Debian9, or Ubuntu18LTS
Available Control Panels = Centos-Webpanel, Cyberpanel, or Virtualmin

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