Error when creating a domain

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#1 Wed, 06/11/2008 - 02:38

Error when creating a domain


i am running virtualmin on ububtu 8.04.

i want to create a domain

but i get this error

Failed to create virtual server : The domain name does not need to have ftp at the start

can abyone help


Wed, 06/11/2008 - 11:16
Joe's picture

So, ordinarily Virtualmin creates an ftp.domain.tld domain name pointing to the same thing as domain.tld. Are you really <i>just</i> wanting &quot;ftp.domain.tld&quot;, and no &quot;www.domain.tld&quot; or &quot;domain.tld&quot;? Is it actually just for FTP usage?

If you're actually just creating an FTP server, you probably don't want to use Virtualmin for it, as it would be overkill, and create a dozen other configurations you don't need/want (website, mail, databases, etc.--some can be disabled, while the website cannot). It isn't really designed to manage dedicated FTP sites. There is, however, a good ProFTPd module in Webmin, which allows setting up IP-based virtual FTP sites. You'll still need to add a new A record in the BIND module (or wherever you host DNS).

Of course, if you actually want a full-feature virtual server named ftp.domain.tld (without having a www.domain.tld and a domain.tld), I guess we'll need to figure out how to make that happen. ;-)


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