Maildir/ created as /Maildir/ on root filesystem

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#1 Sun, 05/11/2008 - 15:20

Maildir/ created as /Maildir/ on root filesystem


Virtualmin works fine so far, but creating administrator Maildir/ style mailboxes fails, if I create a mail-enable domain, Virtualmin creates the Maildir on the top root file system as /Maildir, not in the user home directory.

The user details under "Virtual server administration user's mailbox details" is fine:


But the directory gets created as /Maildir

For Webmin users and groups /home is specified as home directory. /home soft links to /cluster/home

Virtualmin 3.56 on CentOS 5


home_mailbox = Maildir/

Any help is welcome, Thomas

Post edited by: KoflerT, at: 2008/05/11 15:25

Post edited by: KoflerT, at: 2008/05/11 15:26<br><br>Post edited by: KoflerT, at: 2008/05/12 01:53

Mon, 05/12/2008 - 00:16

Additional mail users get thje correct Maildir under /cluster/home/, only the administrator user gets the Maildir created under the / root.

Very strange.

Fri, 06/06/2008 - 08:14

Has no one some idea on debuging the problem?

Best regards,

Fri, 06/06/2008 - 08:42
Joe's picture

So it sounds like Virtualmin is maybe confused about where homes are? I dunno. I've never seen this issue.

What's in the &quot;Home directory base&quot; setting in Virtualmin's Module configuration? (If it's &quot;from users and groups&quot;, we'll want to know that too). This can be found in the &quot;Defaults for new domains section&quot;.


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