I have a new virtualmin 3.54 GPL installation on Centos 5 x86_64 installed using the virtualmin install script (webmin 1.401). Everything seems to be working properly, except for one item.
The problem I am having is that the mysql user password is not being set when changed from virtualmin for a site:
Updating Webmin user .. .. done Re-loading Webmin .. .. done
Saving server details .. .. done
with no error messages. However, the mysql user password is not changed. (I checked by directly viewing the mysql db's User table). Creating new databases works fine. It's just the password that isn't changing.
I am able to change the mysql user passwords successfully using webmin's mysql module, so that establishes the fact that webmin's mysql module is working properly and the problem seems to be somewhere in between virtualmin & webmin.
Can anyone offer a way to troubleshoot this problem? Is there any kind of debug logging that I can enable which would help?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Can anyone at least offer some suggestions on how to debug such a problem? Is there a way to make webmin log verbosely? I tried enabling additional logging options in webmin config, but did not notice any difference in the log output.
Look in the Virtualmin Module Configuration. Check to be sure "Notify other modules when updating server administrator Unix users?" is enabled.
Check out the forum guidelines!
Thanks for your reply. That setting is indeed set to "NO". However, changing it to "YES" does not seem to have helped. When I change the mysql user database password in "Edit Databases" within Virtualmin, the user's password in mysql.user still does not get updated.
Updating Webmin user ..
.. done
Re-loading Webmin ..
.. done
Saving server details ..
.. done
I should also mention that I have another virtual 3.54gpl server I installed using RPMs on CentOS4, and the password changing works properly and the Notify Other Modules option there is set to NO (default on installation).
Another other ideas you have to offer would be appreciated, as well as any ways you can think of to increase logging to help debug, if there is anything to log.