using VirtualMin version released about a month ago
I think UserMin is very powerful! I always wanted a script to let users change their password without login to the server by SSH. I found that Usermin can do so. I can select what modules to be shown on the user interface. I can even select only "Change Password" module to be used (this is what i need). However, I wonder if the follows could also be done.
Can I select some specific modules to be shown only for particular users? say, I want to let only a few users to edit their mail settings and user profiles in Usermin while all other users can only change their password there.
Can I make Usermin accessible through port 80? because under some networks, ports other than 80 are blocked. I want to create a specific domain say, usermin.domain.tld:80 for Usermin and virtualmin.domain.tld:80 for VirtualMin. Is it possible to do so?
It's ok even if the above cannot be done. I will still use Usermin happily. :) Thanks very much for your time!<br><br>Post edited by: desperatedcoolman, at: 2008/03/26 23:41
<div class='quote'>1. Can I select some specific modules to be shown only for particular users? say, I want to let only a few users to edit their mail settings and user profiles in Usermin while all other users can only change their password there.</div>
Webmin:Usermin Configuration:Module Restrictions
<div class='quote'>2. Can I make Usermin accessible through port 80? because under some networks, ports other than 80 are blocked. I want to create a specific domain say, usermin.domain.tld:80 for Usermin and virtualmin.domain.tld:80 for VirtualMin. Is it possible to do so?</div>
You can proxy to it via Apache, or you can switch the server to run on port 80 or 443. If you go with the latter option, you'll need an IP for each service (and one for Apache, as well, if you have any SSL hosts).
Here's the proxying documentation:<br... edited by: Joe, at: 2008/03/26 16:55
Check out the forum guidelines!
It's great! Thanks very much!