Ruby on Rails Question

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#1 Mon, 02/25/2008 - 16:04

Ruby on Rails Question

Using Virtualmin Pro (just purchased and downloaded/installed 3.52)

Just got Ruby on Rails installed on one of my virtual servers, seems to work ok but I have a question:

[code:1] development: adapter: sqlite3 database: qopinc timeout: 5000

production: adapter: sqlite3 database: qopinc timeout: 5000 [/code:1]

I installed specifically with mysql support and it is using the correct db names but the adapter type definitely seems wrong.

Do I need to change it?

Tue, 02/26/2008 - 17:04

Ok second part of this question..

I'm not sure if this is a bug or something i'm doing wrong: is different than
Its hard to explain, on the latter link the logo image is missing and the "Blind Down / Blind Up" function doesn't work. On the former link, the function does work but the page its referencing is still broken and non existent.

Any ideas?

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