Unsigned Package wbm-virtual-server-3.52

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#1 Thu, 02/21/2008 - 16:03

Unsigned Package wbm-virtual-server-3.52

While running Yum Update I receive error "Package wbm-virtual-server-3.52.gpl-2.noarch.rpm is not signed"

I recently installed virtualmin after the webmin update. On the "System Information" home page a new update popped up. which it says is unsigned and won't install.

Thu, 02/21/2008 - 18:41

You can edit the /etc/yum.repos.d/virtualmin.repo file. Change gpgcheck=1 to =0 under the virtualmin-univer section.

this will let the rpm install. Be sure to change it back when finished

Thu, 02/21/2008 - 21:05 (Reply to #2)

isn't that a security risk??

Thu, 02/21/2008 - 22:40 (Reply to #3)

I have this same problem.
isn't that a security risk??

Thu, 02/21/2008 - 23:19 (Reply to #4)

I just changed what jwdick proposed and changed it right back.. everything seems to be fine. But files are meant to verified for a reason :)

Fri, 02/22/2008 - 01:05 (Reply to #5)


It works after change.

I need to ask this question becous i dont know it is realy your update ;)

After i change it back and look good :)

Fri, 02/22/2008 - 01:14 (Reply to #6)

Houston, we have a problem after update.
It show an information " Recheck is needed".

Checking Configuration

The status of your system is being checked to ensure that all enabled features are available, that the mail server is properly configured, and that quotas are active ..

Virtualmin is configured to setup DNS zones, but this system is not setup to use itself as a DNS server. Either add to the list of DNS servers, or turn off the BIND feature on the module config page.

.. your system is not ready for use by Virtualmin.

Ofcours bind is working properly :(

Fri, 02/22/2008 - 02:00 (Reply to #7)

I agree. Packages should be signed. But there are several reasons why a package would not be signed, just a mistake on the creator's part being one of them. That is why I always download and install packages (even those signed) to a "test" box to verify first. You should NEVER apply any update to a production server, not even an update to the OS without testing it first on a test server with a similar configuration. Having done this, I found the update to be fine even with the signing problem and decided to install it.

Fri, 02/22/2008 - 10:43 (Reply to #8)
Joe's picture

Jamie forgot to sign this release (the GPL packages are built in a different process than the Professional packages, and I guess aren't automatically signed...I build the Pro packages, Jamie builds the GPL). I'll ask him to re-roll and sign. Maybe I'll also take over package builds for the GPL yum repos, since signatures are more important there than standalone RPMs.

Should be fixed in a day or so, regardless.


Check out the forum guidelines!

Fri, 02/22/2008 - 01:49 (Reply to #9)

Virtualmin is configured to setup DNS zones, but this system is not setup to use itself as a DNS server. Either add to the list of DNS servers, or turn off the BIND feature on the module config page.

.. your system is not ready for use by Virtualmin.

To correct the "bind" issue, log into Webmin, go to "networking" "Network Configuration" "Hostname and DNS Client". Add "" to the DNS servers listed then click <SAVE>. Now recheck your module configuration with VirtualMin and all is well.

Fri, 02/22/2008 - 01:54 (Reply to #10)

Thank you :)

BIND DNS server is installed, and the system is configured to use it.


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