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#1 Sat, 12/15/2007 - 11:52


This is for virtualmin professional version --- Postfix don't want to start. After I click start mail server, and maybe like 5 minutes later I recheck, the red x mark reappear indicated that mail server is not starting. I check webmin and saw that postfix server indeed not yet start, and I click on start button, and when I do a refresh the start button is still there, but it should be a stop button. As it appears postfix is not starting.

This is a test install, and virtualmin seems to be install without error, but the problem above says otherwise. No domain registered with name server yet, because I'm still testing this virtualmin pro in localhost. Even though it's localhost, postfix should be starting eh?

Mon, 12/17/2007 - 19:39

I think I get the DNS working with a public IP now, and when I do a "dig ns1.mydomain.com" I got a reply looks good, with *noerror* heading. So DNS is working, but how come postfix is not?

In truth I couldn't start postfix from webmin/virtualmin-pro, and I don't know what to do next. Anyone got any idea?

Tue, 12/18/2007 - 06:35 (Reply to #2)

Oh! oi oi oi, finally. I checked the maillog and saw that something else was listening on port 25, and this explains why postfix is not up and running. So I did a netstat -tap and saw exim is running. I mean like, wtf, I had never installed exim, I guess it came automatically with the base installation of the distro, and I didn't check it off by accident, but I did "yum remove exim" and then restart the /etc/init.d/postfix and postfix is fine now. Now I gotta test to see if I can actually sending out mail. You guy probably will hear from me again soon, if things don't go well.

Tue, 12/18/2007 - 07:10 (Reply to #3)

Okie, I just face a newer problem. Hmm... I hope someone on this forum know the answer to my problem. The problem is this... Check the maillog and found out that the error is about timeout connection on port 25, and so I guess that my ISP is blocking the port 25. I went back into the main.cf and enter a relayhost line as "relayhost = [mail.myisp.com] and then restart /etc/init.d/postfix. Then I thought this going to work, but a newer problem came out from this.

As I test to send a test email to gmail and yahoo, gmail error shown as "450 [TEMPFAIL] gmail.com requires valid sender domain"

Anyone know how to solve this error and get my localhost mail messages to reach public destination?

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