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I need help about a new miniserv.pem. I used SSL Encryption page to generate a new miniserv.pem by "Create certificate" tab. I checked "Use new key immediately?" and immediatly after submit gui stop working. Now I cannot access to Virtualmin/Webmin. Is there any way to resolve the problem? I tried to modify miniserv.conf to set "ssl=0" hoping to enter in Virtualmin without ssl...but gui is still blocked... I checked file and has been succesfully created... Same procedure I was performed with Usermin....without problems. Any suggestion? Thanks
hello, i have once come across this problem on an older machine that i was running as a server, what i had done was restarted webmin from the commandline with "/etc/init.d/webmin restart" this command forced webmin and all child process' to shutdown and then it started webmin again, normally when modifying configuration files for running applications you have to tell the application to restart after you have saved the configuration file.