Hi There,
I am trying to migrate my entire server but I am still facing a few problems with Virtualmin Pro and I really appreciate if someone could help me.
1) A lot of my customers use joomla, but in my new server running Virtualmin Pro, they cannot change any file in the Administrator area (file permissions). I read in a few tickets to chmod all files and folder to 777 but I really dont think that it is a good idea. Is there anything else that I could do about that?
2) I am getting the follow error message using postgre: psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "postgres"
3) How can I set my customers domain/website to send their emails with their own domain instead of contact@hostname?
4) Is it possible to install just once: squirrel / phpmyadmin / pgmyadmin, and from that instalation all my customers could access their respective informations (email/database)?
5) Where is stored the dns zone for my virtual servers ? I looked at the Bind section, but I can't see anything... and... If I try to insert manually, I get an error message saying that the zone what I am trying to insert already exist.
6) Another thing about Bind is... all my virtual servers created isn't set correctly... if I check dnsreport.com or pingability.com I get a lot of errors like:
The primary name server per the SOA record (mydomain.net) on ns1.mydomain.net is not an authoritive server for this domain
<div class='quote'>1) A lot of my customers use joomla, but in my new server running Virtualmin Pro, they cannot change any file in the Administrator area (file permissions). I read in a few tickets to chmod all files and folder to 777 but I really dont think that it is a good idea. Is there anything else that I could do about that?</div>
That won't work. Suexec won't run anything 777. You need 750 or less.
The files need to be owned by the domain owner, as well--which means they'll be able to edit them. If you were running them before owned by Apache, just think of this as an opportunity to absolve yourself of guilt and take a more righteous path. ;-)
<div class='quote'>2) I am getting the follow error message using postgre:
psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "postgres"</div>
I'm not sure on this one--your scripts ought not be trying to use ident for authentication--they ought to have a username and password. I'd be happy to drop in and take a look, though, if you aren't sure what to do with that.
<div class='quote'>3) How can I set my customers domain/website to send their emails with their own domain instead of contact@hostname?</div>
I don't know what you're asking here. The client generally sets the From: field, but if yours doesn't you can turn on the Canonical maps automatic setup feature in Virtual to create a map that'll turn domain@hostingprovider.tld into domain@domain.tld (or similar).
<div class='quote'>4) Is it possible to install just once: squirrel / phpmyadmin / pgmyadmin, and from that instalation all my customers could access their respective informations (email/database)?</div>
Yes. Both of those tools authenticate using the real username, by default, and don't care what virtual server they're attached to. SquirrelMail is also installed, by default, with the virtual users plugin, so you can (I think--I haven't actually used it) set it up as an alias for all of your domains and allow users to login with their "friendly" username.
However, I'll take this opportunity to point out that Virtualmin includes Usermin, a more powerful webmail client (browse to port 20000), and the Webmin MySQL module, a more powerful MySQL database administration tool. Both are aware of Virtualmin and Webmin configuration and settings and can be quite smart about how they handle users.
<div class='quote'>5) Where is stored the dns zone for my virtual servers ? I looked at the Bind section, but I can't see anything... and... If I try to insert manually, I get an error message saying that the zone what I am trying to insert already exist.</div>
If you browse to Webmin:Servers:BIND DNS Server, while logged in as root (or a sudo capable user on Ubuntu), you should see all of the details of your zones. They are stored in different locations depending on users, but the rabbit hole generally starts in /etc/named.conf. We use OS standard packages and conventions in nearly every regard...so we store zones wherever your OS usually stores them.
<div class='quote'>6) Another thing about Bind is... all my virtual servers created isn't set correctly... if I check dnsreport.com or pingability.com I get a lot of errors like:
The primary name server per the SOA record (mydomain.net) on ns1.mydomain.net is not an authoritive server for this domain</div>
Then you should configure it correctly. ;-)
Your registrar and your DNS server records should agree about who the authoritative server for your zones is. We don't control or impose any limits on either one--but we do take a wild stab at what the value ought to be during installation of Virtualmin. ;-)
You can set it in the BIND Name Server module, in the Zone Defaults page, with the option labeled "Default nameserver for master domains".
Hope this helps.
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Hi Joe,
How can I send you my personal details so you could have a look in my currently settings?
Thank you,
Hi Joe,
1) all the files are owned by the website user and all the folders are chmoded to 750 and files to 644. But the problem still there, they cannot install new plugins, or change config files.
2) It will be great if you could help me... just tell me how can I send you this private informations
3) Let me give you an example: my hostname is myfirst.com and than, I added 2 more virtual hosts: juca.net and tellmemore.com. Tellmemore.com created 2 email accounts: billing@tellmemore.com and contact@tellmemore.com... when billing or contact send an email, it goes like billing@myfirst.com or contact@myfirst.com instead of billing@tellmemore.com and contact@tellmemore.com. How can I fix that?
4) I got it... Thank you!
5) I got it... Thank you!
Hi Joe,
Just to refresh this post,
the itens 3, 4 and 5 now its working gracefuly !
But the itens 1 and 2 still not working,
I just don't know what else to do
I really appreciate if you could help me.
Thank you,
Email me the server details at joe@virtualmin.com.
Check out the forum guidelines!
Hi Joe,
The email was sent !
Thank you,