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After adding a second domain I'm now stuck. I've burnt up too much time on the web looking for the cure. Here is the error that I get when I try to start Apache, which isn't running:
Failed to start service :
Still pretty much a vanilla install.
Ron<br><br>Post edited by: RonCooper, at: 2007/08/08 06:18
Howdy Ron,
What OS/version is this on? I'm guessing Debian or Ubuntu? The *:80 problem keeps coming up, and I can't for the life of me figure out why. I guess it's hidden in one of the extra conf files that Debian/Ubuntu developers seem to think is clever. ;-)
Anyway, it's easy to fix. Edit the Apache configuration and get rid of the *:80 VirtualHost directive. It's extraneous and leads to these warnings.
The serious problem, though, is that something is sitting on port 80. Maybe another Apache instance. We've gotta kill whatever webserver is running, so the right Apache can start up.
/etc/init.d/apache stop
/etc/init.d/apache2 stop
killall httpd
And then try to start it.
Check out the forum guidelines!
Yep, I should have left info, it's Ubuntu Linux 6.06.1
Can you tell me where exactly to axe this directive ? I'm having some issues...
I removed it from sites-enabled, but not sure if that was correct. Here is my whole output - with the domain name slightly modified to protect the innocent:
root@red:/etc/init.d# ./apache stop
* Stopping apache 1.3 web server...
root@red:/etc/init.d# ./apache2 stop
* Stopping apache 2.0 web server...!
root@red:/etc/init.d# killall httpd
httpd: no process killed
root@red:/etc/init.d# ./apache2 start
* Starting apache 2.0 web server...
Syntax error on line 38 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
</VirtualHost> without matching <VirtualHost> section!
Seems like apache 1.3 might be running for some strange reason.
Forgot to mention that you are welcome to use my box to investigate the problem, if it helps.
Ok, I got it working by removing the "80".
Now PHP is acting up, seen this one ?
Premature end of script headers: test.php
Ok, I hate to keep coming back, but trying to figure things out on my own. Really wish everything worked like magic like I expect it should.
saw this thread:
I ran into the same type of problem it seems.
root@red:/usr/lib/apache2# ./suexec2 -V
<b> -D AP_DOC_ROOT="/var/www"</b>
-D AP_HTTPD_USER="www-data"
-D AP_LOG_EXEC="/var/log/apache2/suexec.log"
-D AP_SAFE_PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"
-D AP_USERDIR_SUFFIX="public_html"
How do I fix?
Hey Ron,
Looks like a bunch of stuff went wrong during installation. I'd better drop in and have a look. Send over login details to, and I'll get it all straightened out (and see if I can fix whatever is broken in the installer that could lead to this mess).
Check out the forum guidelines!
Just in case anyone else is following along or having similiar issues. It seems that apt-get is replacing the version of apache with another - even though the virtualmin package is newer. Joe is looking into this and has access to my server. Will follow up with a fix.
I'm starting to wonder about Ubuntu stability - is this a rare occurrence? Anyone else having issues?
Sent you the details earlier, I'm at a position to start fresh if needed, do what you need to.