Hi all, <p> I've just rolled a new package into the repository: The Virtualmin Mobile Theme. <p> This theme, combined with Webmin 1.330 and above, allows you to use Virtualmin from just about any mobile phone with a web browser (in a nice way--without having to figure out which frame you want to look at, and which field goes with which label, etc.). <p> This theme is one of several major new features for Virtualmin that will be rolled out in the coming weeks. Most of these features have sprung out of discussions with our fellow Y Combinator founders. We haven't talked much about it...but the reason I moved out to California from Austin, is that we accepted funding from[a href="http://www.ycombinator.com">Y Combinator</a> a few months ago. YC is a new kind of seed-stage investment company, and we've been having a blast hanging out with some of the smartest young software developers in the business...Some amazing products are now being released by the companies in the program. We got a bit[a href="http://www.techcrunch.com/2007/03/09/demo-day-y-combinators-spring-chick... today, so no reason to keep the YC thing quiet any more. Anyway, we've gotten the AJAX and mobile religion from these guys, and you'll see some really nice improvements in the coming weeks...some things you never thought you needed but you'll love it once you've tried it. <p> So let's get on with the upgrading! <p> First off, make sure you're running the latest Webmin release. <p> Then install the wbt-virtual-server-mobile package (be sure to read the rest of this post after installing, as you have one more step required to enable the theme for mobile devices). <p> To upgrade on Red Hat based systems: <p> yum install wbt-virtual-server-mobile <p> On SUSE systems: <p> yast -i wbt-virtual-server-mobile <p> On Mandriva systems: <p> urpmi.update -a urpmi wbt-virtual-server-mobile <p> And on Debian and Ubuntu systems: <p> apt-get update apt-get install webmin-virtual-server-mobile <p> To upgrade on systems installed using .wbm and .wbt packages, download the module from: <p> http://software.virtualmin.com/wbt/virtual-server-mobile-1.0.wbt.gz <p> Using your serial number as the username and your license key as the password. Then install it using the Webmin Themes module. <p> Finally, open the Webmin menu by clicking the link in the upper right corner of the left-hand menu. The browse to Webmin:Webmin Configuration:Mobile Device Options. Now, select "Virtualmin Mobile Theme" for the Theme for mobile browsers option. <p> As always, let us know about any bugs you find by filing a bug in the bug tracker. We've tried this theme on all of the mobile browsers we have access to: Sidekick II and III, Treo, Blackberry, a couple of Nokias, and Opera Mini (via their simulator). We're particularly interested in hearing about problems with other phones (it's sometimes hard to fix problems we can't see, but if you identify the problem phone we can probably find someone with a similar phone). It's still beta-ish quality (but we're calling everything beta, right now, so that's OK!).
Hi Joe,
Really cool...
But how do I install it, yum update wbt-virtual-server-mobile don't do it.
The last couple of updates have just not seemed to be there if I come and try to get them right after I get the notice of the posting here. Some time later, in the last update that was almost 36 hours, then it works. I'm using Ubuntu here. Like right now, I just tried to put in the mobile package and apt-get just simply says "E: Couldn't find package webmin-virtual-server-mobile"
So.. I'll just wait until tomorrow. :)
yum[b>install</b> wbt-virtual-server-mobile
worked for me
Hi Chris,
Yes I also thought that "install" should do the "trick"...
I'm so new to Linux and all... and didn't want to do it wrong. ;-)
This is a really cool thing, i'm on the road much an it has been a real pain to connect to VW with my PDA with Microsoft Windows Mobile OS... Hopefully not any longer!
Ehhh.. sorry guys, the VW should of course have been VM... It somehow did flip over :-)
Well it's been several days now. I've tried each day thinking that I would get the update for this to my server and it still says the same thing as in my first post. Joe? Are you reading the posts here any after posting stuff? :( I guess I'll go wander through the bug report section isle for a little bit. Seems a waste to have to submit a bug report and tie up that system for this tho. OH well :)
Sorry for the yum poster but that does NOT work on the debian systems which I did say that I had. I'm glad your disto has the files and you are enjoying this. :)
Oops...I mistyped the instructions for installing on Red Hat based systems.
It should be:
<i>yum install wbt-virtual-server-mobile</i>
I'll correct it in the original post as well.
I'm testing on Debian/Ubuntu as we speak. Will let you know when I've figured out why you guys can't get it to install.
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