CentOS is the problem I guess. I stay away from windblows because I didn't want Bill Gates telling me this is what I gave you...live with it. I've always wondered if RH users were just closet windows wannabes.
After spending all this time and effort I realized I can't get rid of Postfix and use sendmail as my MTA. It's baffled me why everytime I shut off postfix and kill it's processes, then try to start sendmail, sendmail fails and the postfix processes show up again.
I overlooked in the log that every notation said postfix/sendmail as the process in every instance regarding sendmail. Then checking around found out that RH decided everyone should use sendmail as a client only. That explains why the log check says that sendmail starts okay, the failure comes when trying to start the client side.
How do I get rid of postfix, the omnipresent, so I can live at peace with sendmail??
Hey Dan,
CentOS/RHEL/Fedora have all inherited the alternatives command from Debian. It's a feature, not a bug. ;-)
You need to tell it what MTA you're using:
alternatives --config mta
Select sendmail.sendmail.
Then you'll need to tell chkconfig not to fire up postfix on reboot:
chkconfig --level 345 postfix off
chkconfig --level 345 sendmail on
Then you can do the usual service postfix stop, service sendmail start bit.
Holler if that doesn't straighten things out.
Check out the forum guidelines!
Thanks Joe.
It worked great and I was able to confirm that the email problem isn't just Postfix.
I was going to report the server validation issue but that's taken care of now, I upgraded and that is fine now.
I have a problem with Dovecot and I wonder if that's not throwing the wrench in. When I go to the user and login options I get a major failure whether I make changes or not, on closing I get:
""""Failed to save user and login options : Failed to find section auth default !""""
And apparently Dovecot isn't set to any auth protocol at all right now.
On another note, when I click on VIEW in the system logs i get the following:
""""Failed to save log : '' is not a valid filename : No such file or directory""""
Yet if you click on the log destination link the specs come up and clicking VIEW LOGFILE will bring up the log. Just a minor nuisance but wanted to report it. ;-)
> I have a problem with Dovecot and I wonder if that's not throwing the wrench in. When I go to the user and login options I get a major failure whether I make changes or not, on closing I get:
I also experienced the same problem (from memory, error on line 600-something of the config file relating to userdb). I uninstalled DoveCot (>Add/Remove Software via FC5 GUI), rebooted and reinstalled DoveCot. Everything fine from then on.
This is a good walk-through on how to set up mail server:
Email Server using Postfix, Dovecot, Squirrelmail, Spamassassin, ClamAV and Amavisd