how to change php variables on a multi-version php installation


i have been struggling the last few days with a problem on my dedicated server. this is a centos 6 box with virtualmin gpl. i have been able to install multiple php versions using the install details at

this works great for me and i can select php 5.4 for my domains instead of the default php 5.3. the problem that im having is that the php values arent set properly(or at all) with services>php 5 configuration>resource limits. the two values im trying to change are post_max_size and upload_max_filesize. when i change back to 5.3 they bounce back up to the values that i entered in resource limits.

is there something that im missing in the documentation, maybe a different php.ini file that i should be manually modifying to my needs?



So if you switch PHP versions and change the PHP execution time, does it stick?

no the execution time doesnt change either, must be being written from somewhere else but not the configs listed with php info

Did you try making the change at Server Configuration -> Website Options?

yes i tried making it on website options, the change took on the configuration screens in the backend but remain unchanged on the phpinfo screen in the frontend for php5.4

If you make the change on the Website Options page, can you check if any of the domain's etc/php*/php.ini files had their max_execution_time changed?