Dovecot LDA for Push mail

I found a nice plugin called xaps to allow pushmail through Apple's servers. It ties into dovecot but because procmail delivers the mail, dovecot does not know new mail is there and never sends the notify via the plugin. I saw some old threads indicating that changing out procmail is not an option.

Have any of you found a clear cut way to include dovecot-lda into the process? That would fix the issue. I have a 90% written blog to include this with a virtualmin install for added offerings.

I saw some mention of having procmail pipe it into dovecot-lda instead. Do you have any good examples of that?

Closed (fixed)


Howdy -- unfortunately, using Dovecot LDA isn't a supported mail delivery agent at the moment.

Someone else had brought that up recently -- Dovecot does indeed have a lot of neat features, and we'll look into that deeper, but Virtualmin is very tied into procmail at the moment. Virtualmin uses procmail for both spam filtering and virus scanning, and Usermin has support for configuring procmail for email filtering.

That said, it may be possible to edit /etc/procmailrc, and have procmail deliver emails into Dovecot LDA, though I'm not familiar with how one would set that up exactly.

Steffan's picture
Submitted by Steffan on Sun, 10/04/2015 - 01:51 Pro Licensee

There is a solution!

This works:


I have no experience with making RPMs but I'd like to contribute to Virtualmin with the code etc to do pushmail for iPhones based on this: and

I wrote a nice little init script for CentOS 6 too. Blog article was 90% done but now I can finish with his link at the top.

Thanks for sharing how you got that working!

I'm going to explore Dovecot LDA a bit in the upcoming weeks, as it ties in nicely with some newer Dovecot features that I'd like to see us use. Having a way to use both it and procmail (as seen in the post you linked), would be an interesting way to transition from one to the other.

Steffan's picture
Submitted by Steffan on Sun, 10/04/2015 - 12:35 Pro Licensee

ATRPMs have the latest dovecot and I'd think postfix too but can't get to the site at the moment. I think with Cloudmin you have installed extra repos for Xen. Perhaps you could do this for VM too or create your own build with all the hooks, bells and whistles.

Our goal is generally to not change the package versions that come with the various distributions, as those packages are extremely well tested and maintained.

You're right about Cloudmin and Xen, but that's primarily because Xen is otherwise not available on CentOS.

Is there a particular feature you're looking for in a newer Dovecot version?

Steffan's picture
Submitted by Steffan on Sun, 10/04/2015 - 13:08 Pro Licensee

Nothing in particular stands out with dovecot. When I was trying to figure out this whole XAPS thing, I subscribed to the list and was reading a bit. I faced some sarcasm over using such an old version even though it was what was included with CentOS 6. Postfix has some newer spam control options available. That'd be nice to take advantage of. The only issue I see with providing RPMS for XAPS is that I/you would have to build for all the supported platforms. I suppose it's not so bad except that the daemon is written in GO and you'd have to set that up on every build platform just to build the daemon.

Steffan's picture
Submitted by Steffan on Sun, 10/04/2015 - 13:08 Pro Licensee

Nothing in particular stands out with dovecot. When I was trying to figure out this whole XAPS thing, I subscribed to the list and was reading a bit. I faced some sarcasm over using such an old version even though it was what was included with CentOS 6. Postfix has some newer spam control options available. That'd be nice to take advantage of. The only issue I see with providing RPMS for XAPS is that I/you would have to build for all the supported platforms. I suppose it's not so bad except that the daemon is written in GO and you'd have to set that up on every build platform just to build the daemon.