System Alerts Disk Used Fraction does not work

I set up a System Alert in Cloudmin for all systems, with these settings:

CPU Load (15Mins) Over 15, Time period 10 minutes Disk used fraction Over 70, Time period 5 minutes Memory used fraction Over 95, Time period 3 minutes System down, Time period 2 minutes

The problem is, that the disk used fraction does not trigger an alert. I had a system on 80% and another one on 93% used disk space, Cloudmin did not trigger any alert for them. I did not test Memory used fraction, but I believe CPU load and System down do work.

Closed (fixed)


This could be due to the alert not working, or to the disk usage not being measured correctly.

If you select the system from the left menu and go to Resources -> Statistics Graphs and click on "Disk used fraction" , is it shown as expected?

Also, make sure you enter the fraction as a decimal - for example 0.1 instead of 10 if you want to alert at 10%

Thanks. Yeah, the Graphs work correctly. The problem was I was not entering the value in decimal but in percentage values, as shown in the graph. There was no hint that I have to input in that format. Now it works fine, I tested :)

Yeah, requiring the ratio to be entered as a decimal is confusing - I will fix that in the next Cloudmin release (by always showing it as a percentage).

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.