Cloudmin VM backup dest last slash not escaped

In Cloudmin VM backup (VM->SystemState->BackupSystem), backup to Cloudmin system, in Directory, last "/" is not checked and appended twice.

E.g. if in Directory = /backup/ , backup will go to /backup//

Backing up to /backup/ on Cloudmin master .. .... Backing up to /backup// on Cloudmin master ..

Another issue is "Cloudmin master", in my case the the dest system is Cloudmin replica



Does this extra / cause any problems though? It shouldn't actually break backups in anyway ..

No, it does not break the backup in my setup, at least today. This was a known issue when switching between Windows XP and Windows Vista/7/8. XP allowed double "\" in file names, Vista not, many programs not doing the check were broken because of that.

No, it does not break the backup in my setup, at least today. This was a known issue when switching between Windows XP and Windows Vista/7/8. XP allowed double "\" in file names, Vista not, many programs not doing the check were broken because of that.