Check disk of VM does not check host capabilities

Setup: Host1, Centos6.6 with Cloudmin (main) Host 2 Centos5.11 with Cloudmin (replica) VM on Host2 Centos 6 on LVM EXT4

VM machine on Host2 disk with EXT4 got corrupted. From Host 1 Cloudmin did run Check Disk on VM LVM (VM->Resources->ManageDisks->Disk->CheckDisk)

Failed and with critical error that disk can't be repaired (unfortunately did not save log at the moment).

Restarted the host, had same issue. Tried to use fsck on the command line of Host 2, it gave me Super block corruption issue.

After some research, installed e4fsprogs for fsck EXT4 support. Then Cloudmin Check disk worked and fixed the partition.

Issue: seems that Cloudmin on Centos6 tried to used default Centos5 Ext2/Ext3 tools on Ext4 partition without checking if EXT4 was supported by them.

Closed (fixed)


Yes, this is a bug - Cloudmin should never use ext2 fsck commands on an ext4 filesystem. I'll fix this in the next release.

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.