Perl error on inbox

Whenever I try to list my inbox, I get this error:

Error - Perl execution failed

sdbm store returned -1, errno 9, key "87777_subject" at /usr/share/usermin/mailbox/ line 804, line 6872.

How to fix this?

Closed (fixed)


Delete all files matching .usermin/mailbox/*index* under your home directory, to clear out any corrupt index files.

Hi Jamie, thanks for answering.
You mean any file under .usermin/maibox containing "index" in its name, right?
I found these files:
Should I remove all of them?
Don't these files contain the messages themselves?

That's correct, you can delete all of those files. Those aren't the actual emails, those are just index files containing metadata.

Your actual email is stored in a different directory, the "Maildir" directory.

It worked.
Thank you so much for your help!