This is a long story, and related to the problem ticket I filed last night only in the sense that I'm furiously trying to recover a client site and am failing miserably at it
I for some reason had a bad failure last night of a VPS (a kvm vps on a CentOS 6 system). I built a new VPS, and attempted to recover the sites to the new VPS from a virtualmin backup. Some of this went well, but one site in particular is broken because somehow along the line the database for this site became detached from the site, and has apparently not been getting backed up. (I am telling you all of this for background).
So I decided to attempt to recover a Cloudmin backup of the whole VPS from earlier in the month. THe restore of the cloudmin backup seems to run fine, and the Cloudmin system attempts to start up the recovered system - but there are a bunch of networking problems. The CLoudmin system seems to be restoring it with a totally bogus IP address - when it does the restore it sets a DNS record to -- but it then seems to think that the right ip is (the VPS systems have an internet facing ip and a private ip). In any case, after the system comes up it thinks it's not pingable ..
SO - I have to admit that KVM systems always somewhat bewilder me. THe gist of the problem is that it's seriously important that I somehow get this restored vps up and running and into a state where I can log into it -- but the networking on the VPS seems to be completely broken. Any assistance on getting this system back would be GREATLY appreciated.
Submitted by cruiskeen on Wed, 01/28/2015 - 09:25 Comment #1
This is the content of the .serv file for the kvm
kvm_bootdevice=c bw_limit= kvm_disksize=71680 directory= kvm_vga=1 kvm_swapfile=/dev/storage_vol/gab2_cloudmin_cruiskeenconsulting_com_swap kvm_filesystem=/dev/storage_vol/gab2_cloudmin_cruiskeenconsulting_com_img desc=new GAB virt instance in KVM novirt= user=root kvm_swap=2048 id=1372453027179520 mac=02:54:00:6D:DE:CE 02:54:00:6D:FB:08 kvm_firewall= kvm_on=137037545658510 kvm_ip6= kvm_netmask6= kvm_gw= * kvm_cidr=28 24 ssh_pass=Im2busy kvm_filesystem_vg=storage_vol kvm_smp_cores=2 kvm_model=virtio virtio ip6_addresses= port=10000 imagetemp=/tmp/.webmin/kvm-centos5.4-gpl ssh_pass_same=1 type=centos xen_wholedisk=0 mac_addresses=02:54:00:6D:DE:CE 02:54:00:6D:FB:08 ssh_user=root kvm_hostifaces=br0 br1 ip= status=virt kvm_ip= missing=0 kvm_disktotal=77309411328 kvm_start=1 kvm_virtio=1 ssh_port= kvm_smp=4 group=virtual kvm_memory=4096 kvm_swapfile_vg=storage_vol kvm_args= kvm_ioclass=3 module=server-manager pass=Im2busy kvm_net=tap,vlan=0,script=/kvm/ tap,vlan=1,script=/kvm/ kvm_filesystem_lv=gab2_cloudmin_cruiskeenconsulting_com_img manager=kvm image=kvm-centos5.4-gpl ip_addresses= ssh_protocol=2 created=1372453027 kvm_swapfile_lv=gab2_cloudmin_cruiskeenconsulting_com_swap kvm_drives=index=0,boot=on,media=disk,file=/dev/storage_vol/gab2_cloudmin_cruiskeenconsulting_com_img,if=virtio,cache=none index=1,media=disk,file=/dev/storage_vol/gab2_cloudmin_cruiskeenconsulting_com_swap,if=virtio,cache=none imagelocal= kvm_gw6= kvm_vnc_passwd=Im2busy kvm_monitor_port=40002 kvm_monitor=/kvm/ kvm_console=/kvm/ kvm_vnc_display=25 kvm_filesystem_type=83 kvm_filesystem_offset=106928640 kvm=22581 ssl=1 has_net_ssleay=1 statuslast=nohost root_shell=/bin/bash webmin_config_directory=/etc/webmin status_msg= virtualmin_checked=1 status_hostkey=0 virtualmin_domains=9 statuslasttime=1420306514 statustime=1420634431 virtualmin_poss=6 update_system=yum all_poss=22 virtualmin_error= statushistory=virt label_map= fast=1 file=/etc/webmin/servers/1372453027179520.serv ip_force= notes= disk_exclude_gab2_cloudmin_cruiskeenconsulting_com_img= status_err=Host system is down disk_exclude_gab2_cloudmin_cruiskeenconsulting_com_swap=1
Submitted by cruiskeen on Wed, 01/28/2015 - 10:43 Comment #2
aha -- it looks like I've probably figured this one out -- I got the restored VPS up and running.