Virtual Server "Logs and Reports" problem


On the server I have an (super-)user seperate from the virtual server configs. This user needs to view the "Logs and Reports" for all virtual servers on the system. A similar situation is ok but at this specific server the user gets a "Perm ission denied" message (in dutch: "U bent niet bevoegd om willekeurige logs te bekijken")

Can you help me?

Kind regards. Adrie

Closed (fixed)


What is the URL of the page or frame on which you get the permission denied error?

Looks like this user doesn't have his permissions in the System Logs module setup properly.

Try deleting the file /etc/webmin/syslog/lb-media.acl to reset to full permissions.

I have moved /etc/webmin/syslog/lb-media.acl out of the way and now the user can view the log's. Do you consider removing the file the solution, or?

Yes, removing the file is equivalent to a reset to full permissions for the user.

ie. fuill permission within the boundaries of the permissions set for this user by the administrator I presume?

No, full permissions means the same as the root user (for this module). Wasn't that what you wanted in this case?

Fair enough, as long as it is only for "logs and reports". I will close this issue.