Is it possible to backup and restore with tar to a different server?

What I'm trying to do is rapidly deploy VPS with Virtualmin pre-configured. I have an environment that I would like to "clone" to new VPS'. I'm using nginx along with other customized scripts and it's a pain to have to manually configure a new VPS.

What I tried is: tar -zcvpf /backup/Full_Server_Backup.tar.gz --directory=/ --exclude=sys --exclude=dev/pts --exclude=proc --exclude=backup .

When I untar the file on the new VPS and try to access Virtualmin, it says Module proc does not exist. If I don't exclude=proc, tar will exit with an error.

Can you advise what directories that Virtualmin requires to work from backup, or if there's an underlying issue with Virtualmin not being able to work this way?



It sounds like your command is excluding the directory /usr/share/webmin/proc , which is part of Webmin.

Instead of excluding /proc , you could instead try the --one-file-system flag to tar which skips other filesystems like /proc and /dev.

Hi Jamie,

I just tried:

tar -zcvpf /backup/Full_Server_Backup.tar.gz --directory=/ --one-file-system --exclude=backup

after I scp Full_Server_Backup.tar.gz to the new system and untar the file and reboot, the system doesn't have any of the processes running or able to access Virtualmin.

Am I missing anything?

Just to verify, what does this command output on the original system, the one that you're trying to clone:


Also, when trying to boot the clone, do you see any errors as it is booting up?