PHP5 Resource Limits not applied after system reboot

I have changed Maximum file upload size and Maximum HTTP POST size in the services PHP5 Resource Limits, but Apache restart neither system reboot doesn't apply those changes to PHP5 settings

Any clue?



Howdy -- what you're describing can be the result of a configuration issue, or maybe even using a third party PHP version.

Are you using Virtualmin GPL though? Since the area here is for Virtualmin Pro users, if you're using Virtualmin GPL, we'd want to go over the issues you're seeing in the Forums. We monitor the Forums, along with lots of wonderful folks in the community!

When opening a new Forum thread (which you can do using the "Forums" link at the top of the site), let us know the output of these two commands:

rpm -qa | grep php
ls /etc/yum.repos.d

Also, let us know what your current PHP Execution Mode is, which you can determine by looking in Server Configuration -> Website Options.